Create Rupee (INR) symbol for keyboard.
Indian Rupee symbol has been launched but we still use rupee
or INR. Because we don't have current rupees symbol in our keyboard so what?
Should we have to wait for that?
The answer is NO, we are the developers and we can't wait at
So here I am showing you how to create Rupee symbol to
include it in system char map.
How to start:
Have you listen about the "Private Character Editor"?
NO, not a problem we are going to use this editor to create
and include Rupee symbol in system char map so we can use it as a special
Private Character Editor in already in every system,
is used to create symbols like sometimes we need a company logo so we can
use it to create logo and can use it for further.
So, follow these steps to create.
Start -> Run -> type eudcedit
-> hit enter.
Now a window will open like this.
This is Private Character Editor.
2. Now select the E010 box at 0 index and click OK.
3. When you click OK a new window will open: Drawing
Now you have to draw Rupee symbol by your own, but first
take an oath that you're not going to insult that symbol… kidding J
Select the brush to draw the symbol because pencil is not
enough to draw Rupee symbol.
I've drawn like this… (I know it's not perfect but better
then to write INR.).
I know it's not even fine L.
But it's a sample only.
4. Now you have to save it, for this
Edit -> save character as
Now a new window will open just select the
Same like the first image. Select the E010 box at the 1
index and click OK.
You have DONE !
5. Now go to RUN -> type charmap -> select All Fonts
(Private Characters).
You'll see your symbol. Select that and to copy and paste
this in a word file.
You may sure while drawing the symbol about its size. You
should have to create it large in drawing canvas.
Hope you enjoy this |
Cheers !
-Nikhil Kumar