Getting Started With Azure HDInsight: Connect Excel To Hadoop With The Microsoft Hive ODBC - Part Three


  • Azure account
  • Excel 2010 or Later 
Now let's get started with the following steps:

Install Microsoft Hive ODBC driver

To import HDInsight data

  1. Open Excel, and create a New Workbook.

  2. Click the "Data" menu, click "From Other Sources", and then click "From Microsoft Query".

  3. Next we will get Choose Data Source window and select Sample Microsoft Hive DSN* Option and Click OK Button.

  4. Now we will get Microsoft Hive ODBC Driver Connection Dialog window, and enter Host Address, User Name and Password. After that click OK Button.

  5. Next we will get Query Wizard window, and select Table and Columns. After that click Next Button.

  6. Finally Choose Return Data to Microsoft Excel option then Click Finish Button.

Now we retrieve data from the HDInsight Service into Excel.