In my previous article,
Create a Windows Virtual Machine in Azure Portal, we created a Windows Virtual Machine on the Azure portal. In this article, we will see how to create an SQL database in the Azure portal and create a sample database.
Log into
Azure Portal and enter your credentials. Once you are logged in, you will be redirected to the dashboard.
An Azure SQL database is created within an Azure Resource group and in an Azure SQL Database logical server as well.
Steps to create an SQL database
Click on SQL databases from the Azure services on the dashboard.
From the Top Action item, click on the "Add" button to create a new SQL Database. You can also click on 'Create SQL database' to create a database.
Enter the database name, select subscription (for now, I have selected the Free Trial option).
Select or create a Resource Group in which you want to create the database. You can see here Default-ApplicationInsights-EastUS and virtual Machine 'vmMandvi'.
You can create a blank database or you can use the sample database (AdventureWorksLT). For now, we use AdventureWorksLT for querying.
Next, you have to configure the server settings so click on the "Configure required settings" option.
Enter the new server details, like Server name, server admin Id and password, and last location for hosting the database. Click "Select".
Click on the "Create" button to complete the set up.
It will take a few minutes to complete the deployment and you can monitor the progress from the notification bell icon.
Once you get the deployment success message, you can click on 'Go to resource' and from the left navigation, look for the "Query editor".
Enter the server credentials that you have entered during the server configuration.
You can see the Tables, Views, and Stored Procedures.
Enter the below query in the editor pane and click on "Run". Then, review the query results in the Results pane.
select * from SalesLT.Customer;
Hope you like these easy steps to create the SQL Server Database on Azure. I'm waiting for your feedback or comments in the comment box.
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