Creating Cursor in form of ELLIPSE in C#

Here is the method, that describe how easily create custom cursors in forms of geometric figures:

using System;

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace CustomCursor


    static class createCursor   



        private static extern IntPtr CreateCursor(

            IntPtr hInst,

            int xHotSpot,

            int yHotSpot,

            int nWidth,

            int nHeight,

            byte[] pvANDPlane,

            byte[] pvXORPlane


        static byte[] PointCodes = new byte[] {

            127, //10000000  

            191, //01000000                                              

            223, //00100000                                              

            239, //00010000                                              

            247, //00001000                                               

            251, //00000100                                              

            253, //00000010                                              

            254, //00000001                                              


        //1 -black; 0 -white;        

        static public IntPtr Ellipse(IntPtr handle, int radiusX, int radiusY, double angle)


            angle = Math.PI * angle / 180;                                                   

            int MaxRadius = Math.Max(radiusX, radiusY);                        

            int sideLength = GetSide(MaxRadius*2+4);                         

            int hotspotX = sideLength/2, hotspotY = sideLength/2;            

            int length = sideLength * sideLength / 8;                        

            byte[] andMaskCursor = new byte[length];                           

            MakeTransparent(ref andMaskCursor);           

            _Ellipse(ref andMaskCursor, hotspotX, hotspotY, radiusX, radiusY, angle);           

            byte[] xorMaskCursor = new byte[length];           

            return CreateCursor(               

                handle,             // app. instance                

                hotspotX,             // hot spot horiz pos               

                hotspotY,             // hot spot vert pos                

                sideLength,         // cursor width                

                sideLength,         // cursor height                

                andMaskCursor,      // AND mask                

                xorMaskCursor       // XOR mask                



        static void MakeTransparent(ref byte[] andMaskCursor)       


            for (int i = 0; i < andMaskCursor.Length; i++)           


                andMaskCursor[i] = PointCodes[8]; //make transparent cursor           



        static int GetSide(int sideLength)       


            if (sideLength % 16 != 15)           


                return sideLength + 16 - sideLength % 16;           


            else return sideLength;       


        static int rot_x(int x, int y, double theta)       


            return (int)Math.Round(x * Math.Cos(theta) - y * Math.Sin(theta));       


        static int rot_y(int x, int y, double theta)       


            return (int)Math.Round(x * Math.Sin(theta) + y * Math.Cos(theta));       


        static void _Ellipse(ref byte[] andMaskCursor, int x, int y, int a, int b, double alfa)      


            int firstx = x + rot_x(a, 0, alfa);           

            int firsty = y + rot_y(a, 0, alfa);           

            double angle = 0;           

            int itercount = Math.Max(a, b) * 2 + 40;            

            double delta = 2 * Math.PI / itercount;           

            int x1 = firstx, y1 = firsty; //moveto           

            for (int i = 1; i < itercount; i++)          

            {                angle += delta;               

                int rx = (int)Math.Round(a * Math.Cos(angle));              

                int ry = (int)Math.Round(b * Math.Sin(angle));              

                _Line(ref andMaskCursor, x1, y1, x + rot_x(rx, ry, alfa),           

                y + rot_y(rx, ry, alfa));             

                x1 = x + rot_x(rx, ry, alfa);             

                y1 = y + rot_y(rx, ry, alfa);           


            _Line(ref andMaskCursor, x1, y1, firstx, firsty);       


        static void _Line(ref byte[] andMaskCursor, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2)       


            float itercount = Math.Max(Math.Abs(x1 - x2), Math.Abs(y1 - y2));           

            float dx = (x1 - x2) / itercount;           

            float dy = (y1 - y2) / itercount;          

            int sideLength = (int)(Math.Sqrt(andMaskCursor.Length * 8));     

            for (int i = 0; i < itercount; i++)           


                int xy = (int)Math.Truncate(Math.Round(y1) * sideLength / 8 + Math.Round(x1) / 8);   

                andMaskCursor[xy] &= PointCodes[(int)(Math.Round(x1) % 8)];               

                x1 -= dx;              

                y1 -= dy;           



