This article has been
excerpted from book "Graphics Programming with GDI+".
Sometimes we need to use custom caps. Figure 9.8 shows a line with customized
caps of different sizes.
The CustomLineCap and AdjustableArrowCap classes provide functionality to draw
custom line caps. CustomLineCap allows us to define custom caps, which can be
attached to a pen- then an application can use the pen to draw graphics objects.
The CustomLineCap class constructor takes two parameters of type GraphicsPath.
The first parameter defines the fill path, which identifies the fill for the
custom cap. The second parameter defines the stroke path, which defines the
outline of the custom cap. The fill path and stroke path parameters cannot be
used at the same time.
FIGURE 9.8: A line with customs caps
To create a CustomLineCap object, first we create a GraphicsPath object and add
items to the path such as a line, ellipse, or rectangle using any of the add
methods. Then we
pass the GraphicsPath object as an argument to CustomLineCap.
The following code snippet shows how to create a CustomLineCap object:
GraphicsPath path1 =
new GraphicsPath()
// Add items to GraphicsPath
CutomLineCap cap1 = new
CustomLineCap (null,
Once we have a CustomLineCap object, we can set the CustomStartCap and
CutomEndCap properties of the pen to apply custom line caps. We will see a full
working example of custom line caps in a moment.
Table 9.4 describes the properties of the CustomLineCap class.
Line joins
A line join defines how lines and curves are joined in a graphics path. The
LineJoin enumeration represents a line join. Its members are described in Table
We can set the line join of a pen using its LineJoin property. To see the line
joins, we create a Windows application and add a group box, four radio buttons,
and a button to the form. The final form looks like Figure 9.9.
TABLE 9.4: CustomLineCap properties
Property |
Description |
BaseCap |
The base line cap.
LineCap enumeration type. |
BaseInset |
The distance
between the cap and the line. |
StrokeJoin |
How lines and
curves in the path that will be stroked are joined. LineJoin enumeration
type. |
WidthScale |
Width scale of
custom line cap. A WidthScale value of 2 methods that the cap will be
double the pen size that is drawing the line cap. |
TABLE 9.5: LineJoin members
Member |
Description |
Bevel |
Beveled join with
a diagonal corner. |
Miter |
Mitered join with
a sharp corner or a clipped corner. |
MiterClipped |
Mitered join with
a sharp corner or a beveled corner. |
Round |
Circular join with
a smooth, circular arc between the lines. |
FIGURE 9.9: The line join test application
When we select different line join types and hit the Apply LineJoin button, the
application draws lines with different joins.
The code for the Apply LineJoin button click event handler and DrawJoinedLines
method is given in Listing 9.6. As the listing shows, the Apply LineJoin button
click event handler calls the DrawJoinedLines method with a LineJoin value
determined by the current selection.
LISTING 9.6: The Apply LineJoin button click event handler
private void
ApplyLineJoin_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs
// Create a Graphics object
Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics();
// Line join type
if (BevelRadBtn.Checked)
DrawJoinedLines(g, LineJoin.Bevel);
if (MiterRadBtn.Checked)
DrawJoinedLines(g, LineJoin.Miter);
if (MiterClippedRadBtn.Checked)
DrawJoinedLines(g, LineJoin.MiterClipped);
if (RoundRadBtn.Checked)
DrawJoinedLines(g, LineJoin.Round);
// Dispose of object
private void
DrawJoinedLines(Graphics g,
LineJoin JoinType)
// Set smoothing mode
g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
// Create a pen with width 20
Pen redPen = new
// Set line join
redPen.LineJoin = JoinType;
// Create an array of points
Point[] pts =
new Point
(150, 20),
new Point
(50, 20),
new Point
(80, 60),
new Point
(50, 150),
new Point
(150, 150)
// Create a rectangle using lines
Point[] pts1 =
new Point
(200, 20),
new Point
(300, 20),
new Point
(300, 120),
new Point
(200, 120),
new Point
(200, 20)
// Draw lines
g.DrawLines(redPen, pts1);
// Dispose of object
Now if we run the code, the Bevel linejoin output looks like Figure 9.10.
The Miter line join output looks like Figure 9.11.
The Round line join output looks like Figure 9.12.
FIGURE 9.10: The Bevel line join effect
FIGURE 9.11: The Miter line join effect
Hope the article would have helped you in understanding
Customizing Line Caps and Line joins in GDI+. Read other articles on GDI+ on the website.
This book teaches
.NET developers how to work with GDI+ as they develop applications
that include graphics, or that interact with monitors or printers.
It begins by explaining the difference between GDI and GDI+, and
covering the basic concepts of graphics programming in Windows. |