Extension Methods allows the programmer to extend the functionality of a type without having to derive from the type. Because of this flexibility and the way the methods need to be declaring it creates many possibilities for simplification of binding, encrypting, and special sorting algorithms.
For the last couple of years I worked primairly in and binding is part of the daily boiler plate code. The binding extension below works for a DropDownList, but it would work the same way for a ListBox or other controls like the GridView. Figure 1 illustrates the extension method under our DropDownList.
- public static void Bind(this DropDownList control, object dataSource,string dataTextField, string dataValueField)
- {
- control.DataSource = dataSource;
- control.DataTextField = dataTextField;
- control.DataValueField = dataValueField;
- control.DataBind();
- }
Figure 1
Now I have the ability to reduce all my DropDownList controls binding code to a line similar to the following.
- dllProjects.Bind(IssueViewRepository.GetAllProjects(), "Project1", "IssuesTable");
The other code that needs to be written for production systems is the ability to encrypt and decrypt strings. There are many sources that cover security and hashing algorithms so the following code just extends any string to add the ability to called Encrypt and Decrypt the string.
- public static string Encrypt(this string value)
- {
- CryptoStream cryptoStream = null;
- RijndaelManaged rijndaelManaged = null;
- ICryptoTransform encrypt = null;
- MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
- try
- {
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
- {
- rijndaelManaged = new RijndaelManaged();
- rijndaelManaged.Key = Key;
- rijndaelManaged.IV = IV;
- encrypt = rijndaelManaged.CreateEncryptor();
- cryptoStream = new CryptoStream(memoryStream, encrypt, CryptoStreamMode.Write);
- byte[] input = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value);
- cryptoStream.Write(input, 0, input.Length);
- cryptoStream.FlushFinalBlock();
- return Convert.ToBase64String(memoryStream.ToArray());
- }
- else
- return value;
- }
- catch (Exception) { return value; }
- finally
- {
- if (rijndaelManaged != null) rijndaelManaged.Clear();
- if (encrypt != null) encrypt.Dispose();
- if (memoryStream != null) memoryStream.Close();
- }
- }
- public static string Decrypt(this string value)
- {
- try
- {
- byte[] workBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(value);
- byte[] tempBytes = new byte[workBytes.Length];
- RijndaelManaged rijndael = new RijndaelManaged();
- MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(workBytes);
- ICryptoTransform cryptoTransform = rijndael.CreateDecryptor(Key, IV);
- CryptoStream cryptoStream = new CryptoStream(memoryStream, cryptoTransform, CryptoStreamMode.Read);
- cryptoStream.Read(tempBytes,0,tempBytes.Length);
- memoryStream.Close();
- cryptoStream.Close();
- return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(tempBytes).TrimEnd('\0');
- }
- catch (Exception) { return value; }
- }
I always had an issue with sorting a ListBox, but now that you can write an extension to control the sorting algorithm, it could be applied to all your controls without re-writing code. Below Sorting is just a structure with an Index and Weight value to give to each Item in the control. The following algorithm is extremely simplistic because it uses the ASCI value from the first letter as the Weight and since ASCI increment alphabetically we have no issues here.
- public static void Sort(this ListBox listBox)
- {
- try
- {
- ListItemCollection collection = listBox.Items;
- List<ListItem> newCollection = new List<ListItem>(1);
- List<Sorting> sorter = new List<Sorting>(1);
- if (collection.Count > 0)
- {
- for (int x = 0; x < collection.Count; x++)
- {
- ListItem Item = collection[x];
- Sorting sort = new Sorting() { Index = x, Weight = 0 };
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Item.Text) && Item.Text.Length > 0)
- sort.Weight = (int)Item.Text[0];
- sorter.Add(sort);
- }
- sorter = sorter.OrderBy(x => x.Weight).ToList<Sorting>();
- foreach (Sorting sort in sorter)
- newCollection.Add(collection[sort.Index]);
- }
- listBox.Items.Clear();
- listBox.Items.AddRange(newCollection.ToArray());
- }
- catch (Exception) { }
- }
I don't see everyone rushing to re-write all their utility classes into extensions anytime soon, but much like the utilities we write and find ourselves reusing time and time again, extension methods are a great feature to keep in mind.