With the use of the following code you can retrieve all images from any folder and display them in a form using a DataList control of ASP.Net.
To retrieve images from a folder this article provides a few steps which will be easy to follow.
Step 1:
Design a Form; drag a DataList Control from the toolbox onto the form. Set the Repeated Column property and design the DataList control as you need. I am using an image button and a link button in my form.
<asp:DataList ID="DataList1" runat="server" RepeatColumns="5" BackColor="White"
BorderColor="#999999" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px" CellPadding="3" ForeColor="Black"
<FooterStyle BackColor="#CCCCCC" />
<SelectedItemStyle BackColor="#000099" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="White" />
<span class="style2">Image Gallary</span>
<HeaderStyle BackColor="Black" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="White" />
<asp:ImageButton Width="105px" ID="Image1" runat="server" BorderStyle="Solid" ImageUrl='<%# Bind("Name", "~/[foldername]/{0}") %>'
Height="94px" />
<br />
<asp:LinkButton ID="HyperLink1" Text='<%# Bind("Name") %>' CommandArgument='<%# Bind("Name") %>' runat="server" />
<FooterStyle BackColor="White" ForeColor="#333333" />
<ItemStyle BorderColor="Silver" BorderStyle="Dotted" BorderWidth="1px" HorizontalAlign="Center"
VerticalAlign="Bottom" BackColor="White" ForeColor="#333333" />
Step 2:
Write the function below and call it in the Form Load event.
private void ListImages()
DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(MapPath("~/images"));
FileInfo[] file = dir.GetFiles();
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
foreach (FileInfo file2 in file)
if (file2.Extension == ".jpg" || file2.Extension == ".jpeg" || file2.Extension == ".gif" || file2.Extension == ".png")
DataList1.DataSource = list;
Step 3: Run your website........