Language Interoperability

The .NET languages interoperate with each other; that is, code of one language can be used from another after getting converted to IL. To test this create a new project in VB.Net with a template Class Library and name it vbproject.

By default the project comes with a class class1.

Write the following code in it

Public Class Class1
    Public Function Add(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) As Integer
        Return x + y
    End Function
    Public Sub Hello(ByVal name As String)
        Console.WriteLine("Hello" & name)
    End Sub

As we can't execute the class we need to only compile it & convert it into an assembly. To do this open the solution explorer and right click on the project.

Select Build to build your project

Consuming the Class from C# programing-

Now create a new project in C#; name it Testvb and add a reference for the vb project assembly from its physical location which is in projects bin\Debug folders.
To add a reference follow following steps-

  1. Open solution explorer.
  2. Right Click on project .
  3. Click on Add reference..
  4. Click on Browse Button.
  5. Go to your project's physical path for example if your project name is myvb then assembly path will be C:\myvb\bin\Debug here you can find the assembly.
  6. Click the OK Button.

Here is a Screen shot which will help you to add a reference:


Now write Following code under Testvb

Note: don't Forget to add a namspace using VbProject; which is our  VB project name.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using VbProject;
namespace Testvb
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Class1 obj = new Class1();

Now Run your Console Application .

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