ASP.NET Load WebUserControl programmatically and invoke method using Reflection


A few days ago, someone asked me how to invoke a method in a WebUserControl that is being loaded programmatically. I took the opportunity to put together a sample code to provide the answer based on different access level. I hope you all will find this information useful. Sample code is available to download.

Putting everything together

Shown in Listing 1 is the code behind of the WebUserControl.

Listing 1

 public string Text
get { return TextBox1.Text; }
set { TextBox1.Text = value; }

public static string staticVar = "Static Value";
public const string constVar = "Constant Value";

public void Method1()
Label1.Text = "Invoked public method with no argument";

public void MethodWithOneArg(string arg1)
Label2.Text = "Invoked public method with one argument, value: " + arg1;

public void MethodWithTwoArg(string arg1, int arg2)
Label3.Text = string.Format("Invoked public method with two argument, value: {0} and {1}", arg1, arg2.ToString());

private void PrivateMethod()
Label4.Text = "Invoked private method";

private void PrivateMethodWithArgs(string arg1, int arg2, string arg3)
Label5.Text = string.Format("Invoked private method with three argument, value: {0} , {1} and {2}", arg1, arg2.ToString(), arg3);


protected void ProtectedMethod()
Label6.Text = "Invoked protected method";

internal void InternalMethod()
Label7.Text = "Invoked internal method";

public string MethodWithReturnValue()
return "hello from UC";

public string MethodWithReturnValue(string arg1)
return "hello " + arg1;

Here is the code to load the WebUserControl

Listing 2
 UserControl webControl = (UserControl)Page.LoadControl("~/uc/WebUserControl.ascx");

Use the following code to retrieve the Control Type. Notice that the BaseType property is being used instead GetType() method itself in order to access private, static and constant fields using reflection.

Listing 3
Type cType = webControl.GetType().BaseType;
Invoke the public method.

Listing 4

MethodInfo method = cType.GetMethod("Method1");
if (method != null)
    method.Invoke(webControl, null);

Invoke the public method with one argument.

Listing 5

method = cType.GetMethod("MethodWithOneArg");
if (method != null)
    method.Invoke(webControl, new object[] { "hello" });

Invoke the public method with multiple arguments.

Listing 6

method = cType.GetMethod("MethodWithTwoArg");
if (method != null)
    method.Invoke(webControl, new object[] { "Number", 1000 });

Invoke private method in the WebUserControl.

Listing 7

method = cType.GetMethod("PrivateMethod", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
if (method != null)
    method.Invoke(webControl, null);

Invoke private method with multiple arguments in the WebUserControl

Listing 8

method = cType.GetMethod("PrivateMethodWithArgs", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
if (method != null)
    method.Invoke(webControl, new object[] { "arg1", 5555, "arg 2" });

Invoke protected method in the WebUserControl

Listing 9

method = cType.GetMethod("ProtectedMethod", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);       
if (method != null)
    method.Invoke(webControl, null);

Invoke internal method in the WebUserControl

Listing 10

method = cType.GetMethod("InternalMethod", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
if (method != null)
    method.Invoke(webControl, null);

Invoke overload method and capture the return value.

Listing 11

method = cType.GetMethod("MethodWithReturnValue", Type.EmptyTypes);
if (method != null)
    rValue = method.Invoke(webControl, null) as string;
    literal.Text += "Invoked overload method: " + rValue + "<br />";

Invoke overload method with argument and capture the return value.

Listing 12

method = cType.GetMethod("MethodWithReturnValue",
              BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null,new Type[]
              {typeof(string) }, null);
if (method != null)
    rValue = method.Invoke(webControl, new object[] { "there!" }) as string;
    literal.Text += "Invoked overload method with arguments: " + rValue + "<br />";

Access the static field in the WebUserControl, get and set its value.

Listing 13

FieldInfo field = cType.GetField("staticVar");
if (field != null)
    rValue2 = field.GetValue(null) as string;
    literal.Text += "Static variable - before modify: " + rValue + "<br />";
    field.SetValue(null, "New static value");
    rValue2 = field.GetValue(null) as string;
    literal.Text += "Static variable - after modified: " + rValue2 + "<br />";

Access the constant field in the WebUserControl.

Listing 14

field = cType.GetField("constVar");
if (field != null)
    rValue = field.GetValue(null) as string;
    literal.Text += "Constant variable: " + rValue + "<br />";

Get and set the property in the WebUserControl through reflection.

Listing 15

PropertyInfo property = cType.GetProperty("Text");
if (property != null)
    property.SetValue(webControl, "Textbox value", null);
    rValue = property.GetValue(webControl, null) as string;
    literal.Text += "Set Textbox value to: " + rValue + "<br />";

Get controls by ID and retrieve its value.

Listing 16

field = cType.GetField("TextBox1", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase);
if (field != null)
    rValue = ((TextBox)field.GetValue(webControl)).Text;
    literal.Text += "Find Control by ID: " + rValue + "<br />";


If you find any bugs or disagree with the contents, please drop me a line and I'll work with you to correct it.


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Get controls by name using reflection
Type.BaseType Property

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