TimeSpan ts =
new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10);
//If cache has null, it will create two cache
and it will bind into the gridview
if (Cache["Employee"] == null)
dtEmployee = new DataTable("Employee");
dtEmployee.Columns.Add("EmpID", typeof(int));
dtEmployee.Columns.Add("EmpName", typeof(string));
DataRow rs = dtEmployee.NewRow();
rs[0] = 10;
rs[1] = "Annathurai";
//To assign datatable to cache memory.
Cache["Employee"] = dtEmployee;
Cache.Insert("Employee", dtEmployee, null, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, ts);
Response.Write("Its processing with Database hit");
//If cache has value, It retrive from cache memory and bind into the gridview
Response.Write("Its processing from cache");
/Here we are converting cache into datatable
GridView1.DataSource = (DataTable)Cache["Employee"];