In Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010, Enterprise search service application can
be shared across server farms. By publishing a service application, you can
optimize resources, avoid redundancy, and provide enterprise-wide services
without installing a dedicated enterprise services farm. Here we are going to
publish and consume Enterprise search Service application across farms. The
Publisher farm is the farm in which the Service application is running and the
Consumer farm is the farm which will consume data from the publishing farm.
Steps that are required to publish and consume enterprise search service
application across farms:
- Exchange trust certificates between farms
- Managing Trust Certificates
- Publish an enterprise search service
- Set permission to the published service
application for a consuming farm
- Connect to a search service application on
a remote farm
- Add enterprise search service application
proxy to default proxy group
Exchange trust certificates between farms:
In Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010, a SharePoint farm can connect to and
consume a service application that is published on another SharePoint Server
2010 farm. For this to occur, the farms must exchange trust certificates. You
must use Windows Power Shell 2.0 commands to export and copy the certificates
between farms. After the certificates are exported and copied, you can use
either Windows Power Shell 2.0 commands or Central Administration to manage the
trusts within the farm. To exchange trust certificates between farms the
following steps should be followed.
Steps Involved:
- Exporting and copying certificates.
- Managing trust certificates
1. Exporting and copying certificates:
An administrator of the consuming farm must provide two trust certificates to
the publishing farm: a root certificate and a security token service (STS)
certificate. An administrator of the publishing farm must provide a root
certificate to the consuming farm.
To export the root certificate from the consuming farm:
- In the consuming farm go to Start menu.
- Go to SharePoint 2010 Management Shell and
select Run as Administrator.
- In the command prompt, type each of the
following commands.
$rootCert = (Get-SPCertificateAuthority).RootCertificate
$rootCert.Export("Cert") | Set-Content
"C:\Users\aaaaa\ConsumingFarmRoot.cer" -Encoding byte
To export the STS certificate from the
consuming farm:
- In the Command Prompt, type each of the
following commands.
$stsCert = (Get-SPSecurityTokenServiceConfig).LocalLoginProvider.SigningCertificate
$stsCert.Export("Cert") | Set-Content "C:\Users\aaaaa\ConsumingFarmSTS.cer"
-Encoding byte
To export the root certificate from the publishing farm:
- In the Command Prompt, type each of the
following commands.
$rootCert = (Get-SPCertificateAuthority).RootCertificate
$rootCert.Export("Cert") | Set-Content "C:\Users\aaaaa\PublishingFarmRoot.cer"
-Encoding byte
To copy the certificates:
- Copy the root certificate and the STS
certificate from the server in the consuming farm to the server in the
publishing farm.
- Copy the root certificate from the server
in the publishing farm to a server in the consuming farm.
2. Managing Trust Certificates:
Establishing trust on the consuming farm:
- To import the root certificate and create
a trusted root authority on the consuming farm, type the following commands.
$trustCert = Get-PfxCertificate "C:\Users\aaaaa\PublishingFarmRoot.cer"
New-SPTrustedRootAuthority "EnterpriseSearchServicePublishingFarm"
-Certificate $trustCert
Establishing trust on the publishing farm:
- To import the root certificate and create
a trusted root authority on the publishing farm, type the following
$trustCert = Get-PfxCertificate "C:\Users\aaaaa\ConsumingFarmRoot.cer"
New-SPTrustedRootAuthority "EnterpriseSearchServiceConsumingFarmRoot"
-Certificate $trustCert
- To import the STS certificate and create a
trusted service token issuer on the publishing farm, type the following
$stsCert = Get-PfxCertificate "C:\Users\aaaaa\ConsumingFarmSTS.cer"
New-SPTrustedServiceTokenIssuer "EnterpriseSearchServiceConsumingFarmSTS"
-Certificate $stsCert
Publish a Service Application:
- In the publishing farm run the following
script to publish the enterprise search service application.
Publish-SPServiceApplication -Identity
Where "519866b7-eace-49ea-b39b-897e317ec74e" is the guid of the enterprise
search service application.
Run the following command to get the GUID for all the service applications.
Publish-SPServiceApplication (Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication
"Enterprise Search Service
Where "Enterprise Search Service Application" is the enterprise search
service application name.
Set permission to the published service
application for a consuming farm:
You may encounter the following error "Unable to connect to the specified
address. Verify the URL you entered and contact the service administrator for
more details." in the consuming farm when you are trying to connect to the
published service application by entering the published URL.
Error: "Unable to connect to the specified address. Verify the URL you entered
and contact the service administrator for more details."
How to resolve this:
On the consumer farm, run the following command to get the id of the consumer
Copy the Id output from this command, and run the following command on the
publisher farm:
$security = Get-SPTopologyServiceApplication | Get-SPServiceApplicationSecurity
$claimProvider = (Get-SPClaimProvider System).ClaimProvider
$principal = New-SPClaimsPrincipal -ClaimType ""
-ClaimProvider $claimProvider -ClaimValue <farmid from previous command>
Grant-SPObjectSecurity -Identity $security -Principal $principal -Rights "Full
Get-SPTopologyServiceApplication | Set-SPServiceApplicationSecurity -ObjectSecurity
Connect to a service application on a remote farm:
- In the consuming farm, you need to create
a proxy for enterprise search service application.
- In the publisher farm, you could see the
"Published URL" which is required in the consuming farm to connect to a
search application on a remote farm.
- Go to the publishing farm and run the
following command to get the "Published URL" from the publisher farm.
Get-SPTopologyServiceApplication | Select
Copy the LoadBalancerURL.
- Go to the consuming farm and run the
following command to connect to a service application.
New-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplicationProxy -Name
"DevEnterprise Search Service Application Proxy" –URI (Receive-SPServiceApplicationConnectionInfo
-FarmUrl "https://servername:32844/Topology/topology.svc" | Where {$_.Name -eq
"EnterPrise Search Service Application"}).Uri
"DevEnterprise Search Service Application Proxy" -> is the name of the
service application proxy that we are going to create in the consuming farm.
- "https://servername:32844/Topology/topology.svc" -> is the LoadBalancerURL
that we got from the publishing farm.
- "EnterPrise Search Service Application" -> is the name of the search
service application in the publishing farm.
- Go to the Central
Administration->Application Management->Manage Service Applications -> You
will see a new enterprise search service application proxy created
Add enterprise search service application
proxy to default proxy group:
- Run the following command to add the newly
created proxy "DevEnterprise Search Service Application Proxy" to the
default proxy group.
Add-SPServiceApplicationProxyGroupMember (Get-SPServiceApplicationProxyGroup
-default) -Member (Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplicationProxy "DevEnterprise
Search Service Application Proxy")
Default -> is the name of the proxy group.
- "DevEnterprise Search Service Application Proxy" -> is the name of the
enterprise search service application.
• Add the consumer farm web application urls which has to be crawled to the
publisher server content source.
• Do full crawling and search the data in the publisher farm.