SharePoint 2010 provides the capability to subscribe the content through a feature called "Alerts". Alerts can be subscribed for at one of the four levels list, document library, list item and document. This also enables you to be notified by e-mail of any changes made to the content of your SharePoint Web site. In this article we will be seeing how to create an alert for a particular user and for a specified document library using the SharePoint object model.
For configuring alerts in SharePoint 2010 through out of the box refer to my previous article (Copy and paste the hyperlink).
SPAlert Class:
This class is used to represent an alert, which generates periodic e-mail or Short Message Service (SMS) notifications sent to a user about the list, list item, document, or document library to which the alert applies. Using this class we will be creating a new alert for a document library.
Steps involved:
SPAlertType Enumeration:
It is used to specify the type of item to which an alert applies. Here I am applying the alert to the document library, so I have chosen "List" as my alert type.
SPAlertDeliveryChannels Enumeration:
It is used to specify the method of delivering alerts.
SPAlertFrequency Enumeration:
It is used to specify the time interval for sending an alert about changes to a specific list, list item, document library, or document.
SPEventType Enumeration:
It is used to specify the type of event for a list, list item, document, or document library to which an alert responds.