In this article we will be seeing how to redirect to the SharePoint Success or
Error message page.
In this article I will be creating a visual web part with two buttons - Success
and Error button.
On click event of Success button, it will be redirected to the SharePoint
Success page.
On click event of Error button, it will be redirected to the SharePoint Error
Steps Involved:
- Open Visual Studio 2010.
- Create a Visual Web part.
- Add two buttons Success and Error.
- Add the following Namespace.
- using Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities;
- Replace the code for btnSuccess_Click
event with the following
Completed Successfully");
- Replace the code for btnError_Click event
with the following
ex = new
Exception("Operation Failed");
- Build and deploy the solution.
- Add the web part in the SharePoint site.
- On click of Success button it will be
redirected to the following page
- On click of Error button it will be
redirected to the following page