In this article we will be seeing how to delete all the content sources from
search service application in SharePoint 2010.
If you go to Central Administration => Application Management => Manage
service applications => Search Service Application => Crawling => Content
Sources you could see all the content sources.
C# code:
- Open Visual Studio 2010.
- Go to File => New => Project.
- Select Console Application from the
installed templates.
- Enter the Name and click Ok.
- Add the following references.
o Microsoft.SharePoint.dll
o Microsoft.Office.Server.dll
o Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.dll
- Add the following namespaces
o using Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration;
o using Microsoft.Office.Server;
o using Microsoft.SharePoint;
- Replace the code with the following.
// search service application name
string ssaName =
"Search Service Application";
SearchContext context =
ssaContent = new
ssaContentSources = ssaContent.ContentSources;
ContentSource cs =
ssaContentSources["Local SharePoint Sites"];
- Build the solution.
- Hit F5.