Configuring Multi-Tenancy in SharePoint 2010

In this article we will be seeing how to configure multi tenancy in SharePoint 2010.


In this article:

  • Create Subscription settings Service Application and Proxy
  • Create new site subscription
  • Create Tenant Administration site
  • Create Member Site

Create Subscription settings Service Application and Proxy

  • Subscription settings service application is used to keep track of Multi - Tenant services and subscription ID's.
  • Go to Central Administration => Application Management => Manage services on server.
  • Start the service "Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Subscription Settings Service".

  • Create a new subscription settings service application using the following powershell command.

    $applicationPool = New-SPServiceApplicationPool -Name "Subscription Settings Service Pool" -Account domain\username
    $serviceApplication = New-SPSubscriptionSettingsServiceApplication –Name "Subscription Settings Service Test" –Databasename "SubscriptionSettingsServiceTestDB" –applicationpool $applicationPool
    $serviceApplicationProxy = new-SPSubscriptionSettingsServiceApplicationProxy –ServiceApplication $serviceApplication

  • Go to Central Administration => Application Management =>Manage service applications.
  • You could see a new Subscription settings service application is created successfully.


Create new site subscription:

  • SharePoint 2010 introduces a new concept called Site Subscriptions.
  • Site Subscriptions are also known as Tenants.
  • It is used to represent a collection of all SPSite objects that currently subscribe to service partitions, settings, and features.
  • Site collections for each tenant are grouped together with a Subscription ID.
  • Subscription ID is used to map features, services, and sites to tenants.
  • Create a new site subscription using the following powershell command.

    $subscription = New-SPSiteSubscription


Create Tenant Administration site:

  • Tenant Administration Site is a new site type that is used for managing all the features and sites assigned to the site subscription.
  • From tenant administration new site collections can be created, but it requires that Self Service Site creation is enabled for the web application.
  • Self Service Site creation is web application scoped.
  • Create a tenant administration site using the following powershell command.

    New-SPSite –url "http://serverName:2/sites/Tenant Administration" –Template "tenantadmin#0" –OwnerAlias domain\userName –SiteSubscription $subscription -AdministrationSiteType TenantAdministration
  • Template "tenantadmin#0": A new site template in SharePoint 2010 which is used to manage tenant site collections.
  • SiteSubscription: This is used to associate the tenant administration site with the Site Subscription. A site collection can be associated with only one tenant administration site whereas a tenant administration site can be associated with many site collections.
  • AdministrationSiteType: It sets a flag at site collection creation time that is used to manage tenant site collections.

Create Member site:

  • Go to Tenant Administration => Manage Site Collections => Click on "New" to create a new site collection (Enable Self Service Site Creation- refer Enable Self Service Site creation in SharePoint 2010 ).


  • Using powershell how to set the site collection to the subscription.

    $site = Get-SPSite | where {$_.url -eq "http://serverName:2/sites/Test"}
    Set-SPSite -Identity $site -SiteSubscription $subscription
