Configure a Crawl Schedule for Enterprise Search Content Source in SharePoint 2010

In this article we will be seeing how to configure a crawl schedule for enterprise search content source in SharePoint 2010 using C#.

In the Search service application, you can schedule a full or incremental crawl of a content source. There are four types of Schedules:

  • DailySchedule - Used to specify the number of days between crawls.
  • WeeklySchedule - Used to specify the number of weeks between crawls.
  • MonthlyDateSchedule - Used to specify the days of the month and months of the year when the crawl should occur.
  • MonthlyDayOfWeekSchedule - Used to specify the days of the month, the weeks of the month, and the months of the year when the crawl should occur.

Through UI:

  • Go to Central Administration => Application Management => Manage service applications => Search Service Application.
  • In the Navigation go to Crawling => Content Sources.
  • You could be able to see the content sources.
  • I am going to edit the content source "Local SharePoint sites" and schedule the crawl.
  • Go to ECB menu of Local SharePoint Sites =>Edit.

  • You could see "Crawl schedule section" where you could schedule the Full Crawl and Incremental Crawl.


C# code:

  • Open Visual Studio 2010.
  • Go to File => New => Project.
  • Select Console Application from the installed templates.
  • Enter the Name and click Ok.
  • Add the following references.

    o Microsoft.SharePoint.dll
    o Microsoft.Office.Server.dll
    o Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.dll
  • Add the following namespaces.

    o using Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration;
    o using Microsoft.Office.Server;
    o using Microsoft.SharePoint;
  • Replace the code with the following.

    //  search service application name   
                    string ssaName = "Search Service Application";
                    SearchContext context= SearchContext.GetContext(ssaName);

                    //  Represents a crawl schedule used to specify the number of days between crawls

                    DailySchedule daily = new DailySchedule(context);              
                    daily.BeginDay = 25;               
                    daily.BeginMonth = 1;              
                    daily.BeginYear = 2010;              
                    daily.StartHour = 2;
                    daily.StartMinute = 30;               
                    daily.DaysInterval = 1;

                    //  Represents a crawl schedule used to specify the number of weeks between crawls.

                    WeeklySchedule weekly = new WeeklySchedule(context);               
                    weekly.BeginDay = 25;               
                    weekly.BeginMonth = 1;
                    weekly.BeginYear = 2010;             
                    weekly.StartHour = 23;
                    weekly.StartMinute = 15;           
                    weekly.WeeksInterval = 1;

                    Content ssaContent = new Content(context);
                    ContentSourceCollection ssaContentSources = ssaContent.ContentSources;  
                    //  Getting the content source
                    ContentSource cs = ssaContentSources["Local SharePoint Sites"];
                    //  Incremental Crawl Schedule
                    cs.IncrementalCrawlSchedule = daily;
                    //  Full Crawl Schedule
                    cs.FullCrawlSchedule = weekly;


  • Build the solution.
  • Hit F5.
  • You could see the Full Crawl and Incremental Crawl has been scheduled successfully which is also reflected in the UI.
