In this article I am describing about how to change the time period that a new
Icon is displayed while you upload or add new item in SharePoint list.
You may be also thought "How long an item does really stays new?". Usually many
people ask these questions because they have uploaded/migrated a bunch of
documents from their file share which are not really "new", but they get the
!New tag assigned to them anyway.
This feature applies to not only Document Libraries, but also to other Lists
such as Tasks, Issues, Contacts, and Links etc. In the default installation of
SharePoint, the "New" tag gets appended to every new item in SharePoint lists
and remains there for one calendar day. We have two options here, but make sure
we have access to the SharePoint Server.
- Increase the number of days that icon
should appear
- Eliminate the appearance of the icon
We can use stsadm tool to accomplish this task
Go to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server
The "setproperty" command will be used for this task as follows:
stsadm.exe –o setproperty –pn days-to-show-new-icon –pv (number of days) –url (Url
of the Web application)
I am using the above command to prevent the new tag from appearing