In this article I am showing how we can make SharePoint site protected in
SharePoint designer for unexpected changes. I am doing a demo on how to setup
permission levels in SharePoint Designer.
I have two groups SharePoint Designer group and Share Point Contributor Group
1. Open the your site in SharePoint Designer 2007.
2. Go to Site then click on Contributor Settings.
3. You will get a screen like below.
4. I want to create Reader permission group in SharePoint Designer.
5. In Folder Settings I have selected the below options.
6. In Creating Pages I have un selected all the options.
7. In Editing I have selected the first option.
8. In The formatting I have unselected all the check boxes.
9. Under images I have unselected all the options.
10. Under SharePoint I went with default options.
11. Click OK to create the group.
12. I have removed all other groups and made Designer Reader as the default. I
have also removed all the things under Manage region type.
13. Now I am going to Create a Group called Contributor.
14. As I shown above select the appropriate permissions for the Contributor.
15. Click ok.
16. Now we can go to SharePoint and can add one user as contributor and open the
site with contributor permissions.
17. You can see some of the menu items are disabled for the contributor user.