In this article I am showing you how to perform backup/restore operation using
Power Shell
1. On the Start menu, click All Programs.
2. Click
Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products.
3. Click SharePoint 2010 Management
4. At the Windows Power Shell command prompt type the following
5. You will get a Power shell command prompt like
6. In SharePoint 2010, Power Shell command Backup-SPSite is used
for taking backup
7. Please see the screen shot for the backup Power
Shell command
8. Backup-SPSite -Identity http://ServerName:port -Path "c:\backup\file.bak"
9. If you want to
overwrite a previously used backup file, use the Force parameter. You can use
the NoSiteLock parameter to keep the read-only lock from being set on the site
collection while it is being backed up. However, using this parameter can allow
users to change the site collection while it is being backed up and might lead
to possible data corruption during backup.
10. Once this done you will
get the backup.
11. Next you have to create site collection then use the
below command to restore the backup that we currently taken.
Restore-SPSite -Identity http://Servername:port -Path "c:\backup\file.bak"
13. I am using force command because I want to overwrite the
existing site collection that I created now.