MVVM Pattern Implementation in Silverlight - part 1

This article is all about the implementation of MVVM Pattern using Silverlight.

Checked out the following link :

I just loved the Implementation by dwahlin. The implementation is very simple and easy to code. I have modified the implementation to talk to database.

Created a new Silverlight Project named as MVVMBasic.

Created a new DataModel as shown below:

datamodel in silverlight

Created a new Silverlight Enabled WCF Service as shown below:

public class DataService
        public List<Person> GetPeople()
            ProjectsDataEntities context = new ProjectsDataEntities(); 
            var persons = from person in context.People
                          select person;
            return persons.ToList();
        public OperationStatus UpdatePerson(Person p)
                ProjectsDataEntities context = new ProjectsDataEntities();
                Person currperson = (from person in context.People
                                     where ==
                                     select person).First();  
                currperson.LastName = p.LastName;
                currperson.FirstName = p.FirstName; 
                return new OperationStatus { Status = true };
            catch(Exception ex)
                return new OperationStatus { Status = false };

All the remainging things I have retained from the article by dwahlin.

Dwahlin returns the update status from the database in a nice way. 

He uses a class PeopleEventBus as shown below: Basically this is a event handler to track the Completed Database Update Operation.
  public static class PeopleEventBus
        public static event EventHandler<OperationCompletedEventArgs> OperationCompleted;
        public static void OnOperationCompleted(object sender, OperationCompletedEventArgs e)
            if (OperationCompleted != null)
                OperationCompleted(sender, e);

The Custom Event Args class which has the OperationStatus as a property. 

    public class OperationCompletedEventArgs : EventArgs
        public OperationStatus OperationStatus { get; set; }

Finally the Operation status class :
    public class OperationStatus
        public bool Status { get; set; }
        public string Message { get; set; }

Tne below lines of code take care of catch the event and displaying the status:
  void MainPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            this.ViewModel = this.Resources["ViewModel"] as PeopleViewModel;
            PeopleEventBus.OperationCompleted += new EventHandler<OperationCompletedEventArgs>(PeopleEventBus_OperationCompleted);
        void PeopleEventBus_OperationCompleted(object sender, OperationCompletedEventArgs e)
            MessageBox.Show("Operation Status: " + e.OperationStatus.Status.ToString());

In the View Model we add the below line where WCF method returns the status :
void UpdatePerson_Completed(object sender, UpdatePersonCompletedEventArgs e)
            PeopleEventBus.OnOperationCompleted(this, new OperationCompletedEventArgs { OperationStatus = e.Result });

Lets give this a run.

wcf methode in silverlight

Let me modify the row and see if the update works:

Datamodel output in silverlight

Great it works.

In my next post I will add commanding to this example . Till then Happy Coding.

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