Business App using WCF RIA Services: Part 1

In this article we would be using all the concept we discussed in the 4 parts of the series Silverlight 5 WCF RIA Service  and build a complete Business Application .

If you go through the first 4 parts of the Series this Business App would be very easy .

Lets get started .

Business App using WCF RIA Services

Business App using WCF RIA Services

Create a Data Model as shown below :

 Create a Data Model  WCF RIA Services

 Create a Data Model  WCF RIA Services

The Data Model look as the above diagram .

I would try to cover few Business requirements which would help us to create more scenarios to test our knowledge on WCF Ria Services .

Lets create our Domain Service class . Build the Solution before that .

Domain Service class WCF RIA Services

Domain Service class WCF RIA Services

DataDomainService.cs and DataDomainService.metadata.cs classes are generated .

Build the Solution .

Create a Folder Views and add a new page Author.xaml .

Business App using WCF RIA Services

Simply Drag and Drop the Author Entity onto the Views.Author Design Area .

Make sure AutoGenerateColumns="True" .

Now go to the Mainpage.xaml . Open the Designer View . you would see the below in the toolbar .

Business App using WCF RIA Services

Drag and Drop the Author User Control from the Toolbar to the MainPage.xaml.

In this wasy we can access the Author User Control from the MainPage itself . No need for any other step .

The MainPage.xaml xaml code would look like as follows :

<UserControl x:Class="ArticlesPost.MainPage"
    d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="400" xmlns:my

    <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">
        <my:Author HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="80,121,0,0" x:Name="author1" VerticalAlignment="Top" />

Now Build and run the code.

Business App using WCF RIA Services

Did you notice the problem .Unlike the WCF Ria Service Series which we completed , In this case our table Author is Associated with other tables such as Article and Payroll .

That is quite easily visible here .

Business App using WCF RIA Services

We need to do some manual work here to get things right . I promise just a little  . Its simple enough we should not allow the columns to be autogenerated , instead specify what columns you need to generate . Also note that by default the AutoGenerateColumns is True .

Modify the DataGrid code as follows :

<sdk:DataGrid AutoGenerateColumns="False" Height="200" HorizontalAlignment="Left" ItemsSource="{Binding ElementName=authorDomainDataSource,Path=Data}" Margin="0,52,0,0" Name="authorDataGrid" RowDetailsVisibilityMode="VisibleWhenSelected" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="400">

                <sdk:DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding Path=AuthorID}" Header="AuthorID"></sdk:DataGridTextColumn>
                <sdk:DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding Path=FirstName}" Header="FirstName"></sdk:DataGridTextColumn>
                <sdk:DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding Path=LastName}" Header="LastName"></sdk:DataGridTextColumn>



Now Build and run.

Business App using WCF RIA Services

We have completed one View . In the next post we will continue with the next View Payroll .

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