Manage Authorization using config file

Here I will explain how to restrict users to access a particular page or directory.

In the real time, I want to restrict some pages and specific directory, now will see how we add location tag inside web.config file and restricting access.

<!-- inside the  Configuration tag you can add location Tag as shown below:w
Location tag have two attributes "path" and "allowOverride" -->

Path is used to give a path of the specific page or physical directory. Using the location element with an allowOverride = "false" attributes locks the entire configuration, similarly you can lock individual elements and attributes (refer to Image 2).

In the allow tag having eight attributes is as shown below


Image 2
But mainly three attributes are used often.

users: A comma-separated list of user names that are allowed access to the resource. A question mark (?) indicates that anonymous users are granted access to the resource. An asterisk (*) indicates that all users are granted access to the resource.

roles: A comma-separated list of roles that are granted access to the resource.

verbs:  A comma-separated list of HTTP transmission methods that are granted access to the resource. Verbs that are registered to ASP.NET are GET, HEAD, POST, and DEBUG.

Example 1:

I want to restrict particular page, it will be available only to specific users like user1 & user2

For the above scenario use the following snippet in the web.config

<!โ€”In this path you can give either give Directory or specific page name -->
          <location path="_layouts/abc/testpage.aspx" >
                             <authorization >
                             <!-- Added the users which you want to give a access -->
                                      <allow  users="user1,user2"/>
                             <!-- denies access to all users except user1 and user 2 -->
                                      <deny users="?"/>

Result: testpage.aspx is able to access only by user1 & user2

You can restrict access based on roles; now we will see how to allow access based on roles.

Example 2:

The following code example demonstrates how to deny access to all user accounts and allows access to all members of the role Administrator.

          <location path="_layouts/abc/testpage.aspx" >
                             <authorization >
                   <!โ€”Add roles to give a access,you can add morethan one role with comma delimited -->
                                      <allow roles="admininstrator"/>
           <!-- denies to all users except those who role is "admininstrator"-->
                                      <deny users="?"/>

Result: testpage.aspx is able to access only by those who role is "Administrator"

Need to know following things before we use in Authorization tag

allow users ="*means access to everyone by Default
allow users ="?means access only to unauthenticated (Anonymous) users


deny users ="*means access is restricted to everyone
deny users ="?means access is denied only for unauthenticated (Anonymous) users


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