What is HTTP handler: Every request into an ASP.NET application is
handled by a specialized component known as an HTTP handler. The HTTP handler is
the most important ingredient while handling ASP.NET requests.
Examples: ASP.NET uses different HTTP handlers to serve different file
types. For example, the handler for web Page creates the page and control
objects, runs your code, and renders the final HTML.
ASP.NET default handlers:
- Page Handler (.aspx) - Handles Web pages
- User Control Handler (.ascx) - Handles Web
user control pages
- Web Service Handler (.asmx) - Handles Web
service pages
- Trace Handler (trace.axd) - Handles trace
Why we need to create our own HTTP Handler:
Sometime we need to avoid ASP.NET full page processing model, which saves lot of
overheads, as ASP.NET web form model has to go through many steps such as
creating web page objects, persisting view state etc. What we are interested
into is to develop some low level interface that provides access to objects like
Request and Response but doesn't use the full control based web form model
discussed above.
- Dynamic image creator - Use the
System.Drawing classes to draw and size your own images.
- RSS - Create a handler that responds with
RSS-formatted XML. This would allow you to add RSS feed capabilities to your
- Render a custom image,
- Perform an ad hoc database query,
- Return some binary data.
These examples extend the ASP.NET architecture
but bypass the web-page model. The result is a leaner, more efficient component.
Where HTTP handlers are defined: All HTTP handlers are defined in the <httpHandlers>
section of a configuration file which is nested in the <system.web> element.
- <httpHandlers>
- <add verb="*" path="trace.axd" validate="true" type="System.Web.Handlers.TraceHandler"/>
- <add verb="*" path="*.config" validate="true" type="System.Web.HttpForbiddenHandler"/>
- <add verb="*" path="*.cs" validate="true" type="System.Web.HttpForbiddenHandler"/>
- <add verb="*" path="*.aspx" validate="true" type="System.Web.UI.PageHandlerFactory"/>
- </httpHandlers>
- Trace.axd : this handler is meant for
rendering HTML page with a list of all the recently collected trace output,
and this is handled by TraceHandler
- .config: Handled by HttpForbiddenHandler
- .cs: Handled by HttpForbiddenHandler
- .aspx: Handled by PageHandlerFactory,
which isn't a HTTP handler rather it's a class that will create the
appropriate HTTP handler.
What is HTTP module: Help in processing
of page request by handing application events , similar to what global.asax
does. A request can pass through many HTTP modules but is being handled by only
one HTTP handlers.
Use of HTTP Modules:
- ASP.NET uses HTTP modules to enable
features like caching, authentication, error pages etc.
- <add> and <remove> tags can be used to add
and inactive any http module from <httpmodule> section of a configuration
- <httpModules>
- <add name="OutputCache" type="System.Web.Caching.OutputCacheModule"/>
- <add name="Session" type="System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateModule"/>
- <add name="WindowsAuthentication"
- type="System.Web.Security.WindowsAuthenticationModule"/>
- <add name="FormsAuthentication"
- type="System.Web.Security.FormsAuthenticationModule"/>
- </httpModules>
- HTTP handler plays same role what ISAPI
- HTTP module plays same role what ISAPI
filters does.
How to write custom HTTP handler:
Step 1: What all we need to know before writing handlers
There are two type of handler you actually can make
- Synchronous handler , which implement
IHttpHandler interface
- Asynchronous handler, which implement
IHttpAsyncHandler. With asynchronous handlers additional requests can be
accepted, because the handler creates a new thread to process each request
rather than using the worker process
Further these Interfaces require us to
implement the ProcessRequest method and the IsReusable property.
- The ProcessRequest method handles the
actual processing for requests made.
ASP.NET calls this method when a request is received. It's where the HTTP
handlers perform all the processing. You can access the intrinsic ASP.NET
objects (such as Request, Response, and Server) through the HttpContext
object that's passed to this method.
- Boolean IsReusable property specifies
whether your handler can be pooled for reuse (to increase performance) or
whether a new handler is required for each request.
After ProcessRequest() finishes its work, ASP.NET checks this property to
determine whether a given instance of an HTTP handler can be reused. If it
returns true, the HTTP handler object can be reused for another request of
the same type current. If it returns false, the HTTP handler object will
simply be discarded.
Step 2: Create a ASP.NET web application
and name it: SimpleHTTPHanlder
Step 3: Add a class and name it "SimpleHandler"
Step 4: Write below code
Here we are implementing IHttpHandler
The full code look like below
- public class SimpleHandler : IHttpHandler
- {
- #region IHttpHandler Members
- bool IHttpHandler.IsReusable
- {
- get { return true; }
- }
- void IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
- {
- HttpResponse response = context.Response;
- response.Write("<html><body><h1>Wow.. We created our first handler");
- response.Write("</h1></body></html>");
- }
- #endregion
- }
Step 5: Configuring HTTP handler in configuration file;
We will add our handler in <httpHandlers> section
- <httpHandlers>
- <add verb="*" path="vishal.nayan" type="MyHttpHandler.SimpleHandler,MyHttpHandler"/>
- </httpHandlers>
Now here we need to understand what these attributes means
Verb: indicates whether the request is an HTTP
POST or HTTP GET request (use * for all requests).
Path : indicates the file extension that will
invoke the HTTP handler
Type: identifies the HTTP handler class. This
identification consists of two portions. First is the fully qualified class
name , That portion is followed by a comma and the name of the DLL assembly
that contains the class
Step 6: How to run our Handler
Well, visual studio doesn't allow us directly to run the handler, rather we need
to run the project first and then explicitly type URL to request for handler, so
in our case it is;
Now, can we create HTTPHanlder without configuring web.config file. Well yes. In
visual studio we have a new item template to accomplish this. For this we can
use the recognized extension .ashx. All requests that end in .ashx are
automatically recognized as requests for a custom HTTP handler.
What is leeching: sites that steal bandwidth by linking to resources on
your server .i.e. giving an image URL path from their server to your server, so
when user tries to access that image, it's actually using your server resources.
Problem Scenario: As stated above, when any request for image is
originated from same website then it's ok, but if the request is coming from
another website, then there is a potential problem, as it is creating more work
for your web server and reducing the bandwidth.
Solution: HTTP handler will refuse to serve the image or they substitute
a dummy image if the referrer header indicates that a request originates from
another site.
Add a generic handler from existing item and name it ImageHandler.ashx. Write
the code below;
- public class ImageHandler : IHttpHandler
- {
- public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
- {
- HttpRequest request = context.Request;
- HttpResponse response = context.Response;
- string imageURL = null;
- if (request.UrlReferrer != null)
- {
- if(String.Compare(request.Url.Host, request.UrlReferrer.Host,true,CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) ==0)
- {
- imageURL = request.PhysicalPath;
- if (!File.Exists(imageURL))
- {
- response.Status = "Image Not Found";
- response.StatusCode = 404;
- }
- else
- {
- }
- }
- }
- if (imageURL == null)
- {
- imageURL = context.Server.MapPath("~/images/notallowed.gif");
- }
- response.ContentType = "image/" + Path.GetExtension(imageURL).ToLower();
- response.WriteFile(imageURL);
- }
- public bool IsReusable
- {
- get
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
Now its time to configure it. For this handler to protect image files, you need
to register it to deal with the appropriate file types. Here are the web.config
settings that set this up for the .gif and .jpg file types only.
- <add verb="*" path="*.gif" type="SimpleHTTPHanlder.ImageHandler,SimpleHTTPHanlder"/>
- <add verb="*" path="*.jpg" type="SimpleHTTPHanlder.ImageHandler,SimpleHTTPHanlder"/>
Now this configuration setting will only allow jpg and gif images, after
checking it the request is originating from same website.
So now when we have to request any image, we simply type image URL and we can
see that http://localhost:3238/images/areng.jpg
The one which is not available, is greeted by not found image. Say for this
image request which doesn't exists;
So by this HTTP handler for images, we can restrict any request which is not
coming from our web site and also increase performance by quicker response time.
Hope You enjoyed, Cheers