Create PDF in Silverlight

We can create a PDF in Silverlight using following steps.

Step 1: Create PDF in Silverlight.

Make classes in our application for e.g.:

  1. pdfclass()
  2. pdfpageclass()
  3. pdffonclass()
  4. pdftableclass()

Step a: Pdffontclass, in this class we have general font which we used for PDF.

public class PdfFontClass
        public Font simplefont
// create a basecolor to use for the footer font, if needed.
                Font font = FontFactory.GetFont("Arial", 8, Font.BOLD);
                return font;
// Set Font style for paragraph.
        public Font fontstyleforpara
// create a basecolor to use for the footer font, if needed.
                Font font = FontFactory.GetFont("Myriad_Pro", 9);
                return font;
// Set Font style for page header
        public Font fontstyleforheader
// create a basecolor to use for the footer font, if needed. 
                Font font = FontFactory.GetFont("AGaramond",16 );
                return font;
// Set Font style for weblink
        public Font fontstyleforlink
// create a basecolor to use for the footer font, if needed. 
                Font link = FontFactory.GetFont("Arial", 12, Font.UNDERLINE, BaseColor.BLUE);
                return link;
Step b: pdfpageClass, in this class we created pages. we can set
footer, header and page size.

   public override void OnStartPage(PdfWriter writer, Document doc)
            PdfPTable headerTbl = new PdfPTable(1);
            headerTbl.TotalWidth = doc.PageSize.Width;

            Image logo = Image.GetInstance(imagepath + "/logo_new.jpg");

            PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(logo);
            cell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT;
            cell.PaddingRight = 20;
            cell.Border = 0;
            headerTbl.WriteSelectedRows(0, -1, 0, (doc.PageSize.Height - 10), writer.DirectContent);

        public override void OnEndPage(PdfWriter writer, Document doc)
            PdfPTable footerTbl = new PdfPTable(2);
            footerTbl.TotalWidth = doc.PageSize.Width;
            footerTbl.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;

            Paragraph para = new Paragraph(" Prefred System", footer);

            //para.Add("Trustfort India PVT LTD");
            PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(para);
            cell.Border = 0;
            cell.PaddingLeft = 10;

            para = new Paragraph(i+" of 4", footer); 
//--------set the toltal no. of pages in pdf
            cell = new PdfPCell(para);
            cell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT;
            cell.Border = 0;
            cell.PaddingRight = 10;
            footerTbl.WriteSelectedRows(0, -1, 0, (doc.BottomMargin + 0), writer.DirectContent);

Step 2: PdfTableclass, in this class we create a table, with PdfPCell.

  public PdfPTable GetSingleColumnTable()
            PdfPTable Maintable = new PdfPTable(1);
            Maintable.TotalWidth = 160f;
            Maintable.LockedWidth = true;
            PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(1);
            PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Market highlights Q210", new Font(FontFactory.GetFont("Arial", 10, BaseColor.DARK_GRAY))));
            string content = "· Volatility returned during the second quarter due, in part," +
                             " to fears over the European debt situation and a potential global slowdown.";
            string content1 = ". Bonds remained strong, as stocks experienced a selloff.";
            string content2 = "· Housing slipped, though the economy continued to show some signs of recovery.";
            createCell(table, content);
            createCell(table, content1);
            createCell(table, content2);
            PdfPCell maincell = new PdfPCell(new PdfPTable(table));
            maincell.BackgroundColor = new iTextSharp.text.BaseColor(System.Drawing.Color.LightSteelBlue);
            return Maintable;

Step 3: CreatePDF using the above classes

  Document doc = new Document(PageSize._11X17);

  Here we can set the page size like doc=new doc(pagesize.A4).
        PdfWriter writer;
        getChart gc = new getChart();
        PdfTableClass pc = new PdfTableClass();
        string path = "D:/pdf/";
        string imagepath = "D:/employee pics/";
        string imgMain = "pdfnew.png";       
//---- Front Main Page IMAGE
        string imgPPF = "emp1image.jpg";
  public void CreatePdf(string filename, int accountID)
            PdfFontClass pf = new PdfFontClass();
            pdfPage page = new pdfPage();
            writer=PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, new FileStream(path + filename+".pdf", FileMode.Create));
            writer.PageEvent = page;
//Anchor anchor = new Anchor(",%20fontstyleforlink/);
            //anchor.Reference = "";
            Image giff = Image.GetInstance(imagepath + imgMain);
            giff.Alignment = Image.ALIGN_BOTTOM;
            Image port = Image.GetInstance(imagepath + imgPPF);
            port.Alignment = Image.ALIGN_LEFT;
            DrawLine(37, 120);
            doc.Add(new Paragraph("Your Annual  Review", new Font(FontFactory.GetFont("AGaramond",30))));
            string str = String.Format("{0:MMM/dd/yyyy}", DateTime.Now);
            doc.Add(new Paragraph("As of " + str, new Font(FontFactory.GetFont("AGaramond", 12))));
            doc.Add(new Paragraph(" Client Accounts Details", pf.fontstyleforheader));

By completing the application code we will get PDF.

create pdf file in silverlight

This PDF will be generated in the D:\Pdf folder; we mention the path in our application.

We can see the generated PDF. Open the PDF folder which is D:\ .

Summary : We can create the PDF in Silverlight using some PDF classes.

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