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Preparing .NET Interview - Part 2 (Basic Types)
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Check How You Remember Nullable Value Types - Let's Peek Under The Hood
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Boxing and Unboxing in TypeScript
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Boxing and Unboxing
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Value Type And Reference Type Variables
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In this article we will learn about Value Type and Reference Type variables.
Difference Between Value Type Variables And Reference Type Variables
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Before we get started between the difference of value type variables and reference type variables, we need to understand the concept of stack and heap. So let’s get started with stack and heap.
Implementing Equality In Value Type
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Generic Constraints In A Nutshell
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Equality Operator And Value Types In C#
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In this article, you will learn about Equality Operator (==) behavior for non-primitive value types.
String To Value Type Converter Implementation
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In this article we will learn how to use string to value type converter and its implementation.
Effectively Using Value Types in .Net
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In this article you will learn how to effectively use .NET types to increase the application's performance.
Equality Implementation in C#
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In this article you will learn Equality Implementation in C# programming.
Reference and Value Types as Function Parameters Using Ref/Out Keywords
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In this article, we will try to study the behavior of the ref and out keywords when we use them as function parameters.
Entity Framework 4 and TableValue Type in Stored Procedure (Fix)
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Entity Framework 5 has been released with .Net framework 4.5 and it now supports user-defined table valued types as a parameter in a Stored Procedure.
Data Types and Value Types in .NET
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This article explains what Data Types and Value Types in .NET are.
Generic Method for Parsing Value Type in C#
10/13/2012 5:12:56 AM.
In this article I am going to explain how to create a generic method named GetValue() that can parse int, float, long, double data types.
Working With Data Types
10/13/2012 4:17:23 AM.
Explains data types in C# and how to work with them.
Convert Value Type to Byte Array and Vice Versa
2/22/2010 2:18:21 AM.
In this article you will learn how to convert decimal to byte array and byte array to decimal again.
Boxing and Performance of Collections
1/3/2006 5:49:30 AM.
In this article, I will compare some performance issues of values and references types during boxing and unboxing operations.
Comparison of C# with Java: A Developer Perspective
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The .NET is a language and operating system (on Windows as of now) independent platform pretty similar to Java.