Related resources for type-safety
  • Overview Of Strongly Type HTML Helpers In MVC7/29/2024 8:24:22 AM. Learn how these helpers enhance type safety and streamline the generation of HTML elements in Razor views, leveraging view models and data annotations for robust, dynamic web forms and UI components.
  • C# Discriminated Unions and .NET Channels7/11/2024 3:00:02 AM. Explore the advanced features of C# with a focus on Discriminated Unions and .NET Channels. Learn how Discriminated Unions enhance type safety and pattern matching, and how .NET Channels facilitate co
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  • Enums in C#: Syntax, Usage, and Best Practices3/26/2024 5:21:08 AM. In C#, enums (short for enumerations) offer a powerful tool for developers to define a set of named integral constants. In this article, we'll delve into the fundamentals of enums in C# and explor
  • Enum in Switch Case in Java9/23/2019 4:05:29 AM. In this article you will learn about the enum and switch case in Java and also how enum can be used in switch case.
  • Type Safety in .NET7/5/2019 11:17:45 PM. C# language is a type safe language. This article explains how C# type safety and how .NET helps write safe code.
  • An Example of Generics Using C# in ASP.Net3/6/2019 12:06:10 AM. This article explains how generics are useful over non-generics and explains how to reuse code using generics.
  • What the heck is Generics?12/19/2005 12:26:59 AM. This article provides the use of Generics and scenarios in which it will be useful.