Related resources for Type Checking
  • The Is and As Operators in C#5/31/2024 10:06:34 AM. In C#, the "is" operator checks if an object is of a specified type, returning a boolean. The "as" operator attempts to cast an object to a specified type, returning null if the ca
  • Difference Between "is" And "as" Operator in C#5/31/2024 4:38:54 AM. The is and as operators in C# have distinct behaviors and serve different purposes. The is operator is used for type checking, while the as operator is used for casting.
  • Type Checking in C#9/27/2022 8:36:56 AM. In this article you will learn about type checking in C#.
  • A Static Type Checking Limitation Of Dependency Properties6/25/2018 4:25:25 PM. WPF [4] is a Microsoft technology for building window forms applications that allow using the MVVM (Model –View-View Model) framework. Dependency properties are at the core of MVVM framework.