Related resources for String Matching
  • Learn MongoDB Evaluation Operators9/24/2024 7:19:02 AM. MongoDB's evaluation operators enable advanced query operations, allowing for dynamic data retrieval beyond simple comparisons. Key operators include $regex for regular expression matching, $mod f
  • Configurable String Matching Solution7/18/2012 6:54:36 AM. In this article we are presenting classes which can be used to formalize the string comparison. Applications can offer several comparison methods and then let the caller decide which one to use in every call to a function. Classes shown in this article can help build such functionality almost without effort.
  • Efficient String Matching Algorithm with Use of Wildcard Characters8/16/2011 12:01:25 AM. In this article we shall cover one common problem in textual data processing and that is how to match strings against patterns that may contain wildcard characters.