Related resources for RotateAt
  • A Simple Virtual Voltmeter Using GDI+ and the GP-3 Board10/3/2012 12:07:01 PM. This is a less complex, nevertheless interesting example of how to use the same board to create a simple voltmeter.
  • A Virtual Clock in C# and GDI+1/31/2007 5:17:03 AM. This article describes how to create a virtual clock in C#. The hands of the clock are drawn using GraphicPaths.
  • ShapedForms in C#12/26/2005 7:31:38 AM. Today Windows always appear with a rectangular shape. What if you could have a window that was shaped like a circle, a square or a triangle or any shape you want.
  • CartWheel Man - Animating GraphicPaths12/26/2005 6:38:30 AM. This simple application illustrates how GraphicsPaths can be animated to look like something is moving across the screen.
  • Playing with 3-D Coordinate Space in C#, GDI+ and .NET12/26/2005 6:23:24 AM. This article show to dealing with a 3-D Coordinate System.
  • Spiro Designer12/26/2005 5:00:45 AM. Spiro designer is a partial implementation of Spirograph. Spiro Designer uses the Matrix and GraphicsPath classes with their Transform and Rotate methods to build a spiro.
  • The Matrix Class and Transformations12/26/2005 2:01:35 AM. Matrices play a vital role in the transformation process. In GDI+, the Matrix class represents a 3×2 matrix that contains x, y, and w values in the first, second, and third columns, respectively.
  • Using Transforms with GDI+ in C#12/23/2005 2:23:39 AM. Transforms are matrices that allow you to rotate and translate your graphics shapes. In this example we are going to rotate a very powerful element in C# called the GraphicsPath.
Source Code: Graphics Programming with GDI+
Graphics Programming with GDI+ is the .NET developer's guide to writing graphics appl...