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  • Advanced gRPC Communication in .NET Core8/20/2024 7:27:56 AM. Explore advanced techniques for implementing microservices communication using gRPC in .NET Core. This article dives into high-performance, real-time communication patterns with practical code example
  • Learn Advanced CQRS with .NET Core8/20/2024 7:12:32 AM. Dive into the advanced implementation of the Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern using .NET Core and MediatR. This article explains the benefits of CQRS in modern application devel
  • Polly and Bulkhead Pattern in .NET9/15/2023 10:04:01 AM. Explore the Bulkhead Pattern in software development, inspired by ship compartments, for isolating components to enhance reliability using Polly in .NET applications. Includes practical implementation