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Produce And Consume Messages To RabbitMQ Docker Container Using .NET Client
6/6/2024 11:33:48 AM.
Learn how to efficiently produce and consume messages using a RabbitMQ Docker container and a .NET client. This guide covers setting up RabbitMQ within a Docker environment, configuring the .NET clien
Understanding .NET Client Profile
4/22/2024 8:22:31 AM.
.NET Client Profile, tailored for Windows Forms apps, offers speedy deployment with minimal footprint. Microsoft trims features like ASP.NET, MSBuild, enhancing package efficiency. Removed from .NET 4
Understanding Cross Language Interoperability With C# .NET
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This article explains case sensitivity/insensitivity of cross language interoperability in Microsoft .NET that allows compliant languages to interoperate with each other.
Understanding SignalR From Scratch
5/15/2023 4:55:39 PM.
In this article, we are going to learn the fundamentals of SignalR and its client.
Cross Language Interoperability With C# .NET
12/2/2020 11:34:51 PM.
As you know Microsoft .NET is designed with cross language interoperability. I.e. two .NET compliant languages can interoperate with each other. Which simply means a function in VB .NET can be called
Creating And Calling A Web API From A .NET Client In ASP.NET Web API 2
7/11/2016 5:25:38 PM.
In this article, you will learn how to create WEBAPI, and consume them to perform CRUD opperations in MVC Project.
.NET Client Profile
4/14/2015 8:35:08 PM.
This video will explain the purpose of .NET Client Profile.
COM Components from .NET Clients using VB.NET
12/1/2012 2:08:08 AM.
The .NET framework exposes COM objects through a proxy called the runtime callable wrapper (RCW). The primary function of RCW is to marshal call between a managed client (.Net) and unmanaged COM object. The runtime maintains a single RCW for each COM object.The example uses a COM component and DotNet client extending the functionality of the COM component using delegation.
Web Services between .NET, Java and MS SOAP Toolkit: Part I
10/13/2012 5:17:18 AM.
WinGhost 2.0 application allows you to show and hide applications running on your machine. I find this program useful at my work as I do lot of programming at any given time I can have a bunch windows open. I use it normally to hide just my windows I don't access that often.
Web Services Between .NET, Java, and MS SOAP toolkit
5/19/2012 6:45:26 AM.
This article will try to explain the how you can build web services and/or clients with any of the three languages: .NET, MS SOAP Toolkit and Java. But the real point of the article is to show you how you can build clients for web services from any of above-mentioned languages.
Web Services for .NET and J2EE Interoperability
1/30/2007 4:56:51 AM.
Web services technologies are designed to support the interoperability between many different application development platforms that exist today. This article is focused on the fundamentals of .NET and Java interoperability using Web services technologies.
Integrating .NET Web Services with Java and classic ASP Clients for Interoperability
2/13/2006 11:02:47 PM.
The goal of this article is to show to integrate Microsoft's .NET Platform Web service with other platform like Java and ASP. The samples demonstrate basic techniques and principles that are used to cross-platform interoperability via Web services.
Accessing .NET Components from COM Clients and COM components from .NET Clients
12/23/2005 1:20:59 AM.
In this article I am going to explain how to access a .NET component from a COM client and accessing COM from .NET clients.