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50 HTML5 Interview Questions and Asnwers of 2023
2/15/2023 4:32:43 AM.
Here is a list of the top 50 HTML5 Interview Questions And Answers. What is HTML 5? Popular HTML5 interview questions and answers.
Top 10 Most Popular Articles Of HTML5
5/12/2020 12:39:55 AM.
We have compiled a list of top 10 most popular HTML5 articles.
Introduction to HTML5
1/9/2020 4:26:02 AM.
In this article you will learn some components of HTML5.
Making Company Logo Using Canvas HTML5
1/9/2020 12:03:13 AM.
This article describes the HTML5 element that can be used to draw 2D graphics using JavaScript.
Option tag in HTML5
10/28/2019 6:36:23 AM.
The option tag is used for defining option items within a list.
Time tag in HTML5
10/28/2019 6:15:46 AM.
The time tag defines date, time or date and time both by using this tag in the html document.
Select Tag in HTML5
10/28/2019 6:00:51 AM.
This element is used in conjunction with the option element to produce a list of options that the user can choose from.
Mark Tag in HTML5
10/28/2019 5:43:07 AM.
The mark tag was introduced in HTML 5. The HTML mark tag is used for indicating text as marked or highlighted for reference purposes, due to its relevance in another context.
HTML5 anchor Tag
10/28/2019 4:48:45 AM.
The a tag defines an anchor. The HTML a tag is used for creating a hyperlink to another web page.
Button Tag in HTML5
10/28/2019 4:28:57 AM.
Here, you will see the use of button tag in html5.
Lists Tag in HTML5
10/28/2019 4:08:48 AM.
The HTML lists tag is used for specifying a list item in ordered, unordered and menu lists.
Table Tag in HTML5
10/28/2019 3:47:24 AM.
A table is divided into rows and each row is divided into data cells. The tr element defines a table row and the td element defines a table cell.
Progress tag in HTML5
10/28/2019 2:41:34 AM.
The progress tag defines work-in-progress.
Style tag in HTML5
10/28/2019 2:21:57 AM.
The HTML style tag is used for declaring style sheets within your HTML document.
Meta Tag in HTML5
10/28/2019 2:05:02 AM.
The meta tag provides metadata about the HTML document. Metadata will not be displayed on the page, but will be machine parsable.
Map Tag in HTML5
10/28/2019 1:51:27 AM.
An image-map is an image with clickable areas.
Fieldset Tag in HTML5
10/28/2019 1:36:35 AM.
The fieldset is a useful tool for organizing and grouping related items within a HTML form.
Figure tag in HTML5
10/28/2019 1:13:17 AM.
Here, we see the figure tag in conjunction with the figcaption tag to provide a caption for the contents of your figure element.
Blockquote Tag in HTML5
10/28/2019 1:00:21 AM.
The blockquote tag defines a long quotation like paragraphs (instead of HTML q tag used for in-line content).
Ins Tag in HTML5
10/28/2019 12:44:31 AM.
The ins tag defines text that has been inserted into a document.
The embed tag in HTML5
10/27/2019 11:49:57 PM.
The embed tag is used for embedding another resource or interactive content into the document.
Details Tag in HTML5
10/27/2019 1:22:40 AM.
The details tag specifies additional information or controls about a document that the user can view or hide on demand.
Use DataList Tag as Drop Down List in HTML5
10/26/2019 2:11:17 AM.
The Datalist tag represent a list of options that represent predefined options for other controls. A DataList is not visible to the user, but it is associated with the input tag through the input tag
Command Tag (Part of a Context Menu) in HTML5
10/26/2019 2:00:25 AM.
A Command tag is used to represent a command that the user can invoke like a radiobutton, a checkbox and a button or any other button that the user can interact with.
Code Tag Use to Represent Code Syntax in HTML5
10/25/2019 2:33:59 AM.
The code tag encloses text in source code of a programming language.
Cite Tag in HTML5
10/25/2019 2:21:36 AM.
The Cite tag is used to represent the title of a work from a paper, essay book etc
Audio Tag in HTML5
10/25/2019 2:10:15 AM.
You can play audio sound using an audio tag. This is a new tag introduced in HTML5.
Working With Button Tag in HTML5
10/25/2019 1:57:34 AM.
This is a rich button tag that is used to create a push button. It is a clickable button.
Body Tag Used to Define Content in Document in HTML5
10/25/2019 1:17:35 AM.
The body tag is used for defining the body content of a document. The body tag must be placed after the end of the head element inside the html element.
Use of BDO Tag in HTML5
10/25/2019 12:26:34 AM.
HTML5 has a BDO tag to override current directionality of text from right to left or left to right.
Base Tags in HTML5
10/24/2019 11:53:10 PM.
A Base tag is usually used to set a default (base) URL or relative links for all subsequent relative links.