Related resources for IPC
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  • Inter-Process Communication 5/20/2021 1:53:38 PM. This article will give you an idea on when to use what type of IPC based on the scenario.
  • Using MenuStripControl 12/9/2013 12:55:32 AM. In this video you will learn about how to use MenuStrip Control in Windows Forms in
  • TCP/IPLib Sample12/27/2005 6:03:15 AM. This compopnent contains both a TCP/IP server and client. TcpIpClient inherits from System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient and is very straight forward. After construction, specifying the host and port, a network connection is established by calling Connect(). Internally, upon a successful connection, the client receives a TcpIpPacket, which contains a unique cookie that is used in any subsequent transactions.