Related resources for InteropServices
  • Invoking Java Code in C#.NET6/5/2024 5:36:19 AM. Invoking Java code in C#/.NET involves bridging the gap between the two languages using techniques like JNI, InteropServices, and P/Invoke. This allows seamless integration, enabling C# applications t
  • Hello World In different Styles10/26/2023 9:43:29 AM. I've attempted to write the traditional 'Hello World' in different styles. This explores the different possibilities of addressing a problem - 'Hello World' with different features
  • Installing a Service Programmatically6/1/2023 8:36:30 AM. With the arrival of .NET, creation of a windows service has become a piece of cake by just selecting Windows Service as project type in the New Project Dialog Box.
  • Printing Directly to the Printer5/21/2020 4:45:47 AM. Using this code enables you to print directly to the printer using WIN32 api calls and therefore should enable you to print at maximum speed rather than relying in the Windows Printing subsystems.
  • Display and Hiding SIP on Pocket PC in VB.NET12/18/2018 2:49:52 AM. When you get your hands on a Pocket PC for the first time you have to wonder just how the heck do you enter information.
  • Getting NASDAQ Quotes with a Pocket PC in VB.NET11/10/2012 9:59:12 AM. This article describes about getting the NASDAQ Quotes with a Pocket PC. If you have been lucky enough to get the Compact Framework or Smart devices extension beta for April 2002 you may.
  • Using Cards.dll in a Windows Control Library5/19/2012 5:47:32 AM. This project aims at designing a windows control library that encapsulates a playing card.
  • Capturing Desktop and saving image in a Word Document6/14/2006 2:18:37 AM. This code will allow you to capture your desktop and save the image into a word document.
  • Display and Hiding SIP on a Pocket PC1/31/2006 1:16:53 AM. When you get your hands on a Pocket PC for the first time you have to wonder just how the heck do you enter information?
  • Enhanced XP Button Control12/28/2005 6:46:08 AM. The enhanced XP style button is very easy to use and it supports rectangle, circle or ellipse shape with image and different colors. This control also inherit most of the properties from the Forms.Button.
  • Screen Capture and Save as an Image12/26/2005 2:18:41 AM. The following example source code shows how to capture the screen and save it to an image.
  • Coloring the Console in C# 12/26/2005 12:57:22 AM. When working with console applications in C#, you always see a black and white screen. What if we want to change the background color of the console? We can change the foreground and background color of our console application by using win32 API SetConsoleTextAttribute().
  • Daleks in .NET12/25/2005 11:53:05 PM. The other night my girlfriend dragged me down to the NYC Public Library claiming that they had a huge Science Fiction movie section. Admittedly my taste in movies and my wife's taste in movies can vary slightly, however, I was willing to take a chance, given that rentals at the library are free as opposed to $4 at the local video store.
  • C# Video Poker12/25/2005 11:15:32 PM. This Video Poker game is an imitation of a casino Video Poker machine. It is written using Windows Forms.
Source Code: Graphics Programming with GDI+
Graphics Programming with GDI+ is the .NET developer's guide to writing graphics appl...