Related resources for DllImport
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  • Native Windows Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs)7/27/2023 6:05:29 AM. This article briefly explains what a native Windows Dynamic Link Library (DLL) is, shows how to create a DLL using C++, how to consume it in C# and then explains how DLLs work.
  • CUDA integration with C#3/31/2022 10:19:36 AM. This article will focus on how to create an unmanaged dll with CUDA code and use it in a C# program. The example will show some differences between execution times of managed, unmanaged and new .NET 4
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  • Invoking Unmanaged DLL Functions from Compact Framework for Pocket PC12/4/2018 5:27:44 AM. In this example we will use the Compact Framework to create a program containing a launch pad for the Pocket PC.
  • Invoking Unmanaged DLL Functions from Compact Framework for Pocket PC in VB.NET12/4/2018 5:23:48 AM. In this example we will use the Compact Framework to create a program containing a launch pad for the Pocket PC. Invoking Unmanaged DLL Functions from Compact Framework for Pocket PC in VB.NET.
  • Calling WinINet API from VB.NET 12/1/2012 4:23:57 AM. This is an API which connects with the remote server . Inputs are the user name and password which are needed to connect with the server. For demonstration purpose an API called “FtpGetFile” is illustrated. Other API’s for deleting, putting , renaming and moving can be tried out. Please contact the author for any problems.
  • Password Hacking in VB.NET11/10/2012 3:57:03 AM. This code when run gets the password from a password window of any application. To try it out use the following procedure to get the password.
  • Using GDI in the Managed Environment10/5/2012 7:33:28 AM. In this article you will learn how to use GDI in the Managed Environment.
  • Sub classing a C# window in a DLL created using embedded VC++5/19/2012 6:22:44 AM. This article explains how to subclass a C# window in an eMbedded VC++ DLL.
  • Usage of system hotkeys and window messages in C#6/11/2010 4:28:36 AM. This article will show how to register a system hotkey for a currently running application and how to handle window messages for altering controls functionality or adding new functions to them.
  • Attributes in C#1/14/2010 12:28:35 AM. In this article I will explain about attributes in C#.
  • Screen Capturing a Form in .NET - Using GDI and GDI+12/26/2005 6:53:55 AM. This article shows way to do form capture in GDI is to get the device context to the screen and bit blast it to a Bitmap in memory.
  • Screen Capture and Save as an Image12/26/2005 2:18:41 AM. The following example source code shows how to capture the screen and save it to an image.
  • Coloring the Console in C# 12/26/2005 12:57:22 AM. When working with console applications in C#, you always see a black and white screen. What if we want to change the background color of the console? We can change the foreground and background color of our console application by using win32 API SetConsoleTextAttribute().
Source Code: Graphics Programming with GDI+
Graphics Programming with GDI+ is the .NET developer's guide to writing graphics appl...