Related resources for COM Interoperability
  • COM Interoperability Part 1: Using COM Components in .NET Framework2/6/2024 11:08:45 AM. In this article, we review the concepts & walk through an example that demonstrates COM interoperability in the .NET framework. Learn about the Component Object Model (COM) and the Runtime Callabl
  • Calling Managed Code From Unmanaged Code2/14/2019 8:29:46 AM. One significant task for developers (including myself) is doing some kind of automation of Microsoft Office. So, I will concentrate on the opposing side of the problem - how to use managed assembly fr
  • COM Interoperability in VB.NET Part 311/10/2012 2:28:52 AM. In this article I cover the area how to use a COM server in a .NET client. Existing COM components are precious resources to your managed applications. So now let us observe how you can build a .NET Client that uses a COM Server.
  • COM Interoperability in VB.NET Part 211/10/2012 2:15:00 AM. This article elucidates how to build and install-managed code that will be used from COM applications. A classic COM server is activated using the Service Control Manager (SCM). It looks up numerous information such as CLSIDs, IIDs, ProgIDs etc.
  • Using COM+ SPM in .NET9/30/2012 6:06:11 AM. This article looks at how you can use the COM+ Shared Property Manager (SPM) in .NET to implement the sharing of state across components. I’m assuming that you are familiar with VB.NET, Windows Forms, Serviced Components and COM+. Before we actually get down to see the solutions, let’s get aside some basics first.
  • Creating MMC Snapin using C# (Part 1)9/30/2012 6:03:16 AM. This article and attached source code shows you how to create MMC Snapin using C#.
  • Migrating COM/DCOM Applications in Microsoft .NET Framework9/30/2012 5:43:57 AM. In the current Internet scenario, various classic applications run on multiple networks. These applications could have been written using different languages like Visual Basic, Visual C++. For example, a retail organization would have different systems, such as an inventory management system, a bill of material systems, and a general ledger system, all implemented using various technologies available for application development. These systems need to be integrated to form a higher-level enterprise information system for an organization.
  • Web Services-Interoperability9/30/2012 5:41:34 AM. In this article, we will see what interoperability is all about, comparison between Java and .NET interoperability, the benefits of and challenges faced in interoperability and the role of WS-I in this overall scenario.
  • ValidationScriptGenerator9/30/2012 5:36:40 AM. This article gives you a solution for generating a client side validation script in a component model that you can reuse in an ASP.NET project.
  • Mapping Microsoft Excel columns with XML data (XML data integration) programmatically using a .Net Application.9/30/2012 5:34:58 AM. Using this program you can map Excel columns programmatically and generate an XML file containing the cell values that you had in your Excel document. After generating the XML file we can read it into a dataset.
  • DTS Custom Task in C#9/30/2012 5:29:53 AM. During last year I wrote an article about DTS and how to use it in C#. In that article I stated that I didn’t manage to solve the problem related to CustomTask. Today I finally forced myself to tackle that problem again and here is the result. Writing simple CustomTask in C# is the easiest part.
  • Platform Invocation Services in .NET Framework9/30/2012 5:19:39 AM. This article will cover the details of Platform Invocation Services provided in .Net Framework. Platform Invoke Services acts as a bridge between the managed and unmanaged code. This service enables managed code to call unmanaged functions which are being exposed by any dynamic link libraries (DLL’s) such as Win32 API’s or any custom DLLs.
  • .NET COM Interoperability - Part 1: Using COM Components from .NET Framework9/30/2012 5:10:24 AM. The DotNet framework exposes COM objects through a proxy called the runtime callable wrapper (RCW). The primary function of RCW is to marshal call between a managed client (.Net) and unmanaged COM object. The runtime maintains a single RCW for each COM object.
  • Creating an Excel Spreadsheet Programmatically9/30/2012 4:57:29 AM. The Interoperability services make it very easy to work with COM Capable Applications such as Word and Excel. This article reveals using Excel from a managed application. Excel is the spreadsheet component of Microsoft Office 2000.
  • C# and ActiveX DLL9/30/2012 4:54:39 AM. As you know with Visual Basic 6.0, it is possible develop a COM server and implement them in a Visual Basic client program. But this is being done by using Visual Basic. You may wonder about the idea of calling this DLL in a C# Application. Well, C# language provides us a way to call this COM server in a program. When we compile a C# program an Intermediate Language is generated and it is called as Managed Code.
  • Language Independence from COM to .NET9/30/2012 4:42:44 AM. This article covers the subject regarding Language Independence. This term Language Independent means one can create an application using various languages. This Language independent starts from past COM (OLE & ActiveX) to present .Net.Let us see in detail.
  • Com and Component creation in C#9/30/2012 4:39:32 AM. Component is nothing but the reusable piece of software in binary form that can be plugged into other components from other vendors.
  • Accessing COM+ component using C#9/30/2012 4:29:53 AM. This tutorial explains step by step of accessing COM+ application using C#.
  • Using C# and COM Interoperability to Extract from a UML tool into a Microsoft Word Document9/30/2012 4:08:11 AM. This article allows you to read the classes contained inside of WithClass 2000 into a Word Document using COM Interoperability for Word and COM Interoperability for WithClass and presents your classes in a kind of report.
  • Platform Invoke Sample - Changing the Desktop Wallpaper9/30/2012 3:56:27 AM. In this example we will see how to change the Desktop wallpaper by invoking a Windows API function from C#. The Platform Invoke mechanism allows you to access unmanaged functions implemented in dlls.
  • Using Reflection and With Class2000 to view the .NET System.Drawing library Part I9/29/2012 7:16:34 AM. Using the power of .NET and the power of COM InterOperability through WithClass 2000, you can view the System.Drawing library in a rough UML diagram.
  • Spell Check Web Service8/31/2007 6:06:08 AM. In this example we will create a Web Service which provides spell check functionality.
  • Querying COM+ through Web Services1/9/2006 1:42:06 AM. The most COM+ common administrative tasks (creating a COM+ application, installing/deleting a component, setting a component attribute) can be accomplished manually with the Component Services administrative tool from Management Console.
  • An insight into Code Reusability and COM Interoperability : Part I12/23/2005 5:20:31 AM. Code reusability is the art of using existing code to achieve better productivity and ease of maintenance. The concept of reusability is not new. Its existence has been evident since the evolution of mankind.
  • JIT Coding12/21/2005 7:24:17 AM. One not so well known feature of .NET platform is possibility to invoke compiler and practically create code and assembly from running instance of application. It is possible to do that in two ways. First one is a bit simpler and involves namespaces System.CodeDom and System.CodeDom.Compiler, second one is more efficient and utilizes namespace System.Reflection.Emit. Since there are very few examples about how to use System.CodeDom.Compiler I will start with it.