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Voice Based Light Toggle With Android App In Arduino Mega 2560
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Connecting Pulse Sensor With Android App Using Arduino Mega 2560
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In this article, you will learn how to connect Pulse Sensor with Android app using Arduino Mega 2560.
Turn LED ON/ OFF In Bluetooth Using Android Apps In Arduino Mega 2560
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Controlling LED In Keypad App By Android App
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Android Application Build Process or Compilation Process
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Day 1: Make Your Setup Ready For Android App Development
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In our very first article, we will set up an Android Project in the Eclipse IDE and try to figure out various options and explore the New Android Project.
Day 2: Structure of Android Application Project
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Day 5: Improve Your Toast Message in Android App
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Start App Development With Xamarin
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In this article you will learn how to create an Android app with Xamarin.
Hello World in Xamarin
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In this article you will learn how to create an Android App with Xamarin.
Hello World Application in Xamarin
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Twitter Integration in Android App Using Fabric
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Basics of SearchView in Android : Part 2
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Setting up For Android Application Development Environment
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Know Where Database is Stored in Android Studio
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How to Use Switching Between Activities and Adding Images in an Android App
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Creating Your First Android Application
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Create a Android Project With Eclipse
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Publish Android Apps on Google Play Store
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Learning Android Application Development - Day 1
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Learning Android Application Development - Day 2
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Learning Android Application Development - Day 3
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Learning Android Application Development - Day 4
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In this article you will learn about the tools and platforms for Android Application Development.
Face Detection In Xamarin.Android
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Setup Visual Studio 2015 For Android Apps Development And Create First Android App
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In this article you will learn how to setup Visual Studio 2015 for Android Apps Development and create your first Android App.
Google Map Implementation In Android App
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In this article, I will explain about implementation of Google Maps in Android app.
Android Development - Running Android App
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For running your apps there are two possible ways; running on the emulator and running on a device.
Getting Started With Android Development
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In this article you will learn the first step for beginning to work with Android development.
Android Threads and Handlers
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This tutorial describes the usage of Threads and Handlers in an Android application. It also covers how to handle the application lifecycle together with threads.
How to Use ListActivity in Your Android Application
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When you have many Strings or other type of values to display in a list then a ListActivity is used. It will simply display all the values in a list and you can also use its various types of listeners
Change Theme of Layout Runtime by Button Click in Android
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In this article, we will see how to change the layout theme of an Android application at runtime by clicking on a button.
Create OpenGL Mono For Android Application
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In this article I will demonstrate how to create an OpenGL Mono For Android application.
Create OpenGL Mono For Android Application
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In this article we are going to create an OpenGL Mono for Android application using Visual Studio 2010.
AlertDialog In Android Application
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In this article, I will explain how to use AlertDialog box in Android app.
Embedding Video In An Android App
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This article will demonstrate the adding of video content to an Android application and how to add controller to play, pause, seek back and forth the added video
Design Main Page in Android App - Day Seven
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In this article you will learn how to design main page in Android Application.
Push Notification In Android
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In this article, you will learn about Push Notification in Android applications.
Integrate Dropbox Chooser In Android Application
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Integrate OneDrive In Android Applications
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In this article you will learn how to integrate OneDrive in Android applications.
Android Programming - Day One
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In this article series, I will explain about various sections of Android Application Development. This is day one of the series.
Creating Watermark While Taking Screenshot Of A Screen In Android Application
3/13/2020 8:57:21 AM.
In this article you will learn about how to create watermark while taking screenshot of a screen in Android application.
Integrate Ad-Mob Banner Ad In Android Application
3/9/2020 1:27:10 AM.
In this article, you will learn about how to integrate Ad-mob banner Ad in android application.
Passing Data Using An Intent Object In Android Applications
3/3/2020 2:49:18 AM.
In this article, I will explain about passing the data between two or more activities, using the Intent object in Android applications.
Adding Fragments Dynamically In Android Application
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In this article, you will see how to add a fragment dynamically at run time.
Calling In Built Functions In Android Application
3/3/2020 1:12:53 AM.
In this article, I will explain how to call some built in functions in Android Applications.
Intent Object And Intent Filters In Android Application
3/3/2020 12:46:24 AM.
In this article, you will learn about intent object and intent filters in Android applications.
User Interface In Android Applications
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In this article, you will learn about some widgets like Views, ViewGroups, LinearLayout, AbsoluteLayout, TableLayout, RelativeLayout, FrameLayout, ScrollView etc.
Displaying Notifications In Android Applications
3/2/2020 11:46:43 PM.
In this article, you will learn about how to display notifications in Android Applications.
Set Volume Mode, Vibrate Mode, And Silent Mode To On/Off In Android Studio
3/2/2020 10:26:08 PM.
In this article, you will learn how to create or set volume mode, vibrate mode, and silent mode to on or off in Android applications using Android Studio.
Create A RatingBar In Android App Using Android Studio
3/2/2020 10:20:12 PM.
In this article, you will learn how to develop RatingBar application in an Android application, using Android Studio.
Create A TextSwitcher App In Android Application Using Android Studio
3/2/2020 4:39:27 AM.
In this article, I will explain how to create a TextSwitcher app in Android applications using Android Studio.
Detect Orientation Changes And Control The Orientation Of The Activity
3/2/2020 4:21:29 AM.
In this article, we will see how to detect the device orientation and control the orientation of the activity.
Utilizing The Action Bar In Android Applications
3/2/2020 4:17:00 AM.
In this article, you will learn about action bar used in Android applications. The action bar displays the application icon together with the activity title. On the right side of the action bar are a
Create User Interface Programmatically In Android Applications
3/2/2020 4:04:27 AM.
In this article, we will learn to create a user interface using code. So far, we have seen all the UI's that you have created, using XML file. But we can create the user interface programmatically
How To Call Separate Person In Phone Dialer For Android Application Using Android Studio
3/2/2020 4:01:09 AM.
In this article, you will learn how to call a separate person in phone dialer for Android Application, using Android Studio.
Designing User Interface With Views In Android Applications
3/2/2020 3:47:45 AM.
In this article, you will learn about basic views with their event handling that can be used to design the UI for Android applications
How To Send The Data One Activity To Another Activity In Android Applications
3/1/2020 10:59:56 PM.
How To Send The Data One Activity To Another Activity In Android Applications.
How To Add The Share Option In Android Applications
3/1/2020 10:38:10 PM.
How To Add The Share Option In Android Application.
Insert Data Into The Firebase Database In Android Apps
3/1/2020 10:17:52 PM.
Insert data into the Firebase database in Android apps.
Send Data To The Remote Database In Android Applications
2/27/2020 5:57:48 AM.
This article enables you to send data to the remote database in an Android Application.
Create A WebView Android Application
2/27/2020 5:31:44 AM.
This article helps you to create WebView Android Application.
Create Custom List View In Your Android Application
2/27/2020 5:18:43 AM.
This article entices you to create Custom List View in your Android Application.
How To Create Calendar View In Android Application
2/27/2020 4:49:47 AM.
How To Create Calendar View In Android Application.
Implement Shared Preferences In Android Applications
2/27/2020 4:39:12 AM.
Implement Shared Preferences In Android Applications.
Emotion Identification Using Emotions API In Android App - Part Two
2/27/2020 3:45:05 AM.
Emotion Identification Using Emotions API In Android App.
Create Native Calculator Android Application
2/26/2020 11:46:41 PM.
Android is one of the most popular operating systems for mobile. In this article, I will show you how to create a Native Calculator Android application using Android Studio.
Create Email Android Application
2/26/2020 11:42:19 PM.
Android is one of the most popular operating systems for mobiles. In this article, I will show you how to create a Email Android application using Android Studio.
How To Create Android Apps With Firebase
2/26/2020 11:11:44 PM.
This article demonstrates how to create Android applications with Firebase.
Create Web Browser Android Application Using Android Studio
2/26/2020 11:02:47 PM.
Android is one of the most popular operating systems for mobiles. In this article, I will show you how to create a Web Browser android application using android studio.
Create Calendar Android Application
2/26/2020 10:54:39 PM.
Android is one of the most popular operating systems for mobiles. In this article, I will show you how to create a Calendar android application. Calendar is an important thing to handle the events an
Create TimePicker Android App Using Android Studio
2/26/2020 10:47:49 PM.
Android is one of the most popular operating systems for mobile. In this article, I will show you how to create a TimePicker Android application using Android Studio.
How To Add Android Exit Dialog To Android App Using Android Studio
2/26/2020 10:43:21 PM.
Android is one of the most popular operating systems for mobile. In this article, I will show you how to add Android Exit Dialog to Android App Using Android Studio.
Create Text To Speech Conversion Android Application Using Android Studio
2/26/2020 5:44:56 AM.
Android is one of the most popular operating systems for mobile. In this article, I will show you how to create a text to speech conversion Android application using Android studio.
How To Show Interstitial Ad Every 20 Seconds In An Android Application
2/26/2020 4:25:07 AM.
Android is one of the most popular operating systems for mobile. In this article, I will show you how to show interstitial ads every 20 seconds in an Android application using Android studio.
Create Voice Search Android Application Using Android Studio
2/26/2020 4:19:24 AM.
Android is one of the most popular operating systems for mobile. In this article, I will show you how to create Voice Search android application using android studio
Android Application To Set Silent Mode, Ringer Mode, And Vibrate Mode In A Phone
2/26/2020 4:13:39 AM.
Android is one of the most popular operating systems for mobile. In this article, I will show you how to set silent mode, ringer mode, vibrate mode in an Android application using Android studio.
Change Android Application Icon Using Android Studio
2/26/2020 4:07:49 AM.
In this article, I will show you how to change the Android application Icon using Android studio. Icons are part of the graphical user Interface of the mobile application.
App That Changes Background And Audio Player In Android, Using Android Studio
2/26/2020 3:38:38 AM.
In this article, I will show you how to change background and audio player Android App using android studio.
Gallery Android App Using Android Studio
2/26/2020 3:19:48 AM.
In this article, I will show you how to create an Android App using Android studio. Gallery is either in a building or on the internet, where photographs are on display.
Create Instant Alarm Android App Using Android Studio
2/26/2020 3:10:50 AM.
In this article, I will show you how to create an Instant Alarm Android App using Android studio.
Pop Up Menu Android Application
2/26/2020 2:42:27 AM.
In this article, I will show you how to create a pop up menu Android App using Android studio. Android Popup Menu displays the menu below the anchor text if space is available otherwise above the anc
Create SMS Android App Using Android Studio
2/26/2020 1:24:36 AM.
In this article, I will show you how to create a pop up menu Android App using Android Studio. SMS stands for Short Message Service and is also commonly referred to as a "text message". With
Adding Check Box Functionality In An Android App Using Android Studio
2/26/2020 1:12:37 AM.
In this article, I will show you how to create am Android app using Android Studio. Android Checkbox is a type of two state button, either checked or unchecked. There can be a lot of usage of checkbox
Auto-Complete Text View Android App Using Android Studio
2/26/2020 1:04:54 AM.
In this article, I will show you how to create an Auto Complete Text view Android App using Android studio.
RatingBar Android App Using Android Studio
2/26/2020 12:51:18 AM.
Android RatingBar can be used to get a rating from the user. The rating returns a floating-point number. It may be 2.0, 3.5, 4.0 etc. Android RatingBar displays the rating in stars. In this article, I
Toggle Button Android App Using Android Studio
2/26/2020 12:46:20 AM.
Android Toggle Button can be used to display checked/unchecked (On/Off) state on the button. It is beneficial if user have to change the setting between two states. It can be used to On/Off Sound, Wif
Create Sensor Android App Using Android Studio
2/26/2020 12:37:52 AM.
In this article, I will show you how to create a Sensor Android App using Android studio. we are going to create a sensor application that changes the background color of an activity when a device is
Enable And Disable Wi-Fi In Android Application Using Android Studio
2/26/2020 12:08:56 AM.
In this article, I will show you how to Enable and Disable WI-FI in android App using Android studio. The information that an application can access includes connected network's link speed, IP ad
How To Start Android App Development [Basic Guidelines]
2/25/2020 11:59:07 PM.
In this article, I will describe how to start an Android app development.
Battery Level Android App Using Android Studio
2/25/2020 11:44:14 PM.
In this article, I will show you how to create an Android app that shows Battery Level.