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Windows Controls
Welcome to Windows Controls section of C# Corner. In this section, you will find various Windows Controls related source code samples, articles, tutorials, and tips.
Message Box Builder
This program will help you using MessageBox Class. Program generates code from what you choose.
Tran Khanh Hien
Aug 14, 2001
Docking Control in C#
One of the first features of C# that took my interest was the ability to Dock a Control onto the edge of a Form.
Phil Wright
Oct 16, 2001
Custom FileDialog
The purpose of this article is to give a simple example showing how easy it is to create a custom FolderDialog.
casper boekhoudt
Jan 18, 2002
How to create a "ComboBox button" in a toolbar in .NET
You can actually put a ComboBox in your toolbar by just dragging a ComboBox from the toolbox onto the toolbar but if you want the ComboBox to be one of the toolbar buttons, you are out of luck usi...
Mike Gold
Nov 20, 2001
Introduction to TreeView Control
The Windows Forms Tree View Control helps to display the hierarchy of nodes that can be used to represent the organization structure, file system or any other system which includes hierarchical rep...
Tushar Ameta
Mar 11, 2002
Working with Tab Control : Part 1
In this article I would only concentrate on the first tab-page so you would learn about the use of a user-control and the details of database connectivity and record insertions.
Manisha Mehta
Mar 21, 2002
An Editable GridView Control in C# and .NET - Part 1
I've gotten a lot of e-mail about my GridView control Article, so I've decided to write a follow up article on a more powerful control that allows you to edit the cells within the control and chang...
Mike Gold
May 28, 2002
An Editable GridView Control in C# and .NET - Part II Persisting in XML
In this article we will take advantage of the XML classes available to us to persist the GridView control that we talked about in our first article in this series. The two classes we utilize in ou...
Mike Gold
Jun 19, 2002
Developing a Windows Control Library - Digital Clock
A Windows control library is similar to an Active X Control that you have been developing using VC++.
Shripad Kulkarni
Jul 08, 2002
Generating Wizards using Panels
Wizards can be generated in different ways. This article shows you how to create wizards using panels.
Arun Krishnaraj
Nov 15, 2002
Persist ListView Settings with Serialization
In this article, I'll show you how to persist the column order and width settings by using Serialization, binary serialization to be more specific. And you won't believe how easy it is.
Dan Fontanesi
Dec 13, 2002
MS Office Style Color Picker Dialog
For a project I'm working on I needed something more stylish than the standard color dialog which comes with .NET, so I decided to make a color picker dialog of my own.
Johannes Wallroth
Dec 18, 2002
Mask Edit Control
This control is a attempt to emulate the Marked Edit control available in VB 6.0. MaskEdit control extends the TextBox System.Windows.Forms.TextBox control available in Microsoft .NET library.
Gangadhara BD
Mar 05, 2003
MWControls v1.0.3.0
This latest version includes Multi Select TreeView Control which lets you choose between a few different ways of selecting TreeNodes.
Mikael Wiberg
May 05, 2003
Designing Inherited Controls for Windows Forms
This article uses Windows Form's TextBox control to explain how to design your controls.
Vishnu Prasad
May 08, 2003
Vertical Calendar Control
The VerticalCalendar control represents an alternative for standard MonthCalendar control and may be used wherever MonthCalendar control is used.
Andrey Voroshkov
Jun 11, 2003
Custom ComboBox
The attached source code is a C# application that demonstrates how to create a custom ComboBox control in Windows Forms.
Jul 11, 2003
StatusBars in Real Applications
In this article we will investigate the StatusBar control of .NET Framework library.
Michael Youssef
Sep 05, 2003
Directory Picker Pro in C#
In my latest project I needed a dialog for picking a directory. I searched through the web, but found nothing that looked nice. First of all I wanted a TreeView for display, and I wanted to view al...
Robert Pohl
Nov 24, 2003
Enhanced XP Button Control
The enhanced XP style button is very easy to use and it supports rectangle, circle or ellipse shape with image and different colors. This control also inherit most of the properties from the Forms....
Jibin Pan
Dec 12, 2003
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