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Visual Studio
Welcome to Visual Studio section of C# Corner. In this section, you will find various Visual Studio related source code samples, articles, tutorials, and tips using C# language.
New Debugging Features In Visual Studio 2017
In this video, we are going to see the new debugging features available in VS2017. I hope you will like this.
Sibeesh Venu
Mar 28, 2017
Authenticating Git Access In Visual Studio Team Services
A recommendation tip for viewers to authenticate the Git access. I will demonstrate how to use Git Credentials Manager for Windows in order to generate keys for your teams, instead of having to aut...
Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
Dec 16, 2016
Creating Git Repository Under VSTS Project
In this video, we will see how to create a Git repository in your VSTS based projects. I will also demonstrate how to set up build system for your repository in Visual Studio Team Services web port...
Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
Dec 16, 2016
Less Known Features Of Visual Studio
What you can learn from this video? How to track an opened file in solution explorer? How to show line number in code editor? How to format code lines of external files? like JSON File or Big XML f...
Jatin Malik
Dec 14, 2016
Continuous Deployment from VSTS to Azure App Service
In this video I walk the viewers through basic concepts of CI and CD, then I show them how they can implement them in VSTS and deploy their applications to Microsoft Azure.
Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
Nov 28, 2016
Understanding Build Aftermath in Visual Studio Team Services
In this video I walk the viewer through the aftermath of the build process, to understand the results of build and to download the executable binaries.
Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
Nov 25, 2016
Developing with Visual Studio Team Services
In this video I walk the viewer through each important and required step that they would take in order to work with Visual Studio Team Services. I have shown how to create a project, how to assign ...
Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
Nov 25, 2016
Visual Studio Team Services - Introduction
In this video I provide the basic overview of Visual Studio Team Services for beginners.
Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
Nov 25, 2016
First look of Microsoft Visual Studio 2017
In this video you’ll see what Microsoft gives you new things in Visual Studio 2017 Projects and for more details follow this article step by step:
Nitin Pandit
Nov 22, 2016
Nuget Package Manager : Install & Uninstall
NuGet is commonly used as Microsoft Visual Studio Extension and helps various developers across the globe to create and consume packages. Its easy, convenient and hassle free. The scope of this art...
Jatin Malik
Nov 15, 2016
Agregar Reporting a Visual Studio Community 2015 (Spanish)
Haciendo pruebas con Visual Studio Community 2015, me di cuenta de un pequeño detalle con los informes, no está activado por default, así que les comparto como resolví.
Daniel Bojorge
Aug 01, 2016
Box Selection & Multiline Edit In Visual Studio
Learn how you can dynamically select multiple lines or specific area in visual studio. You can copy or edit a dynamic selected area with inbuilt box selection. It also works on notepad++.
Jatin Malik
Jul 12, 2016
How to create Item Templates in Visual Studio
How to create Item Templates.
Gareth Bradley
Jul 24, 2015
Repositorios Git privados y gratuitos con Visual Studio Online
Te encanta Git pero te choca tener que pagar por repositorios privados? Aprende a tener repositorios privados y sin pagar una sola moneda.
Juan Carlos Ruiz Pacheco
Apr 09, 2015
VSO - Repositorios Git privados y gratuitos
Te encanta Git pero te choca tener que pagar por repositorios privados? Aprende a tener repositorios privados y sin pagar una sola moneda.
Juan Carlos Ruiz Pacheco
Mar 13, 2015
Visual Studio - Page Inspector
Front End developer, el cielo te espera. Tu trabajo es duro, Pqge Inspector es una herramienta que te permite depurar HTML estableciendo que sección de HTML fue generada por un fuente determinado,...
Juan Carlos Ruiz Pacheco
Mar 12, 2015
Visual Studio - Novedades ASPNet 4.5
Sabes que es One ASP.Net? NO? Bueno, deberias! enterate de todo en este video, el futuro de ASP.Net a tu alcance.
Juan Carlos Ruiz Pacheco
Mar 11, 2015
Visual Studio | Browser Link
Eres diseñador de Front End y para ti los browser son una pesadilla a la hora de hacer cambios que en todos ellos se vean igual?Pasas interminables horas revisando y depurando hojas de estilo en ca...
Juan Carlos Ruiz Pacheco
Mar 10, 2015
Visual Studio - Scrollbar Map Mode
Quieres tener plena conciencia y visibilidad de la estructura del código que estas editando? alertas visuales de los errores? señalización de las áreas modificadas? Esta es la característica que es...
Juan Carlos Ruiz Pacheco
Mar 09, 2015
Visual Studio - Atajos para Refactor
No sabes que es refactor? lo haces con ayuda del Mouse? este video es imperdible, lleva tu código y tu experiencia de programación a otro nivel.
Juan Carlos Ruiz Pacheco
Mar 07, 2015
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