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Visual Studio
Welcome to Visual Studio section of C# Corner. In this section, you will find various Visual Studio related source code samples, articles, tutorials, and tips using C# language.
Smart HTML Editor in Visual Studio 2005
If you have been writing Web applications using Visual Studio, at some point you would end up editing HTML file by hand. Now HTML Editor available in Visual Studio 2005 now supports Intellisense, w...
Mahesh Chand
Nov 16, 2005
Debug Client Side Script in Visual Studio 2005
This article is for web developers, because it's target is one of the new feature in Visual Studio 2005 which is debug client side script.
Moustafa Arafa
May 18, 2006
New Features of Visual Studio 2005 Editor
In my previous articles, I discussed various new features introduced in Visual Studio 2005. This article is another addition to the same series. In this article, I discuss some new features of Visu...
Mahesh Chand
Nov 16, 2005
Windows Forms 2.0 ActiveDocumentHost Control
The ActiveDocumentHost control provides the ability to host OLE Documents within your application. This enables you to create applications that allow in-place editing of documents such as Microsoft...
Mahesh Chand
Nov 10, 2005
Learning Visual Studio 2005 IDE - The Designer
In this article of Learning Visual Studio 2005 IDE series, I will explore some of the designer features and the breakdown of the classes of a Windows Forms project.
Mahesh Chand
Jun 07, 2004
ASP.NET 2.0 Visio Custom Control
This article describes a quick and simple approach to creating a custom web control used to display Microsoft Visio files within an ASP.NET page using Internet Explorer.
Scott Lysle
Jan 15, 2007
ASP.NET Multiple File Uploader
This article tells you how to allow users to upload more than one file at a time.
Govardhana Reddy
Jan 04, 2008
Role Bases Access using C# and XML
Here I am trying to give a simple and configurable solution to implement Role Bases Access to your application using C# and XML. Remember that this article intent is to provide Role Based Access an...
Subal Mishra
Mar 29, 2007
Minesweeper is a single-player computer game. The object of the game is to clear an abstract minefield without detonating a mine.
Khaled Samir
Jun 05, 2007
Automating Compilation for VS Web Developer 2008 Express edition
This tutorial will discuss how we can use the aspnet_compiler.exe to generate DLL for web projects developed in VS 2008 web developer express edition.
Mar 21, 2009
Top 10 New Features in ADO.NET 2.0
This article summarizes the new and updated features of ADO.NET 2.0, which ships with .NET Framework 2.0. In my following articles I will discuss these features in more details with sample examples.
Mahesh Chand
Aug 19, 2005
Prompt for Service Account During Windows Service Installation
This article shows how to customize the installation of a windows service in Visual Studio 2005 to prompt for a service account username and password. This process involves passing values from the...
Steve Hall
Oct 18, 2007
Find the First and Last Days of the Month with C#
This article shall describe a very simple approach to finding out the first and last day of the month based upon either a selected date or selected month.
Scott Lysle
Oct 31, 2007
Onchanged Event for Composite User Controls
This article is a tip on how we can use OnChanged events for Windows user controls that inherit from some basis user control.
Michael Livshitz
Jan 15, 2008
Developing a Web Part for Moss 2007
This article describes the step by step process to develop a web part for Moss 2007.
Saravanan Gajendran
Jan 17, 2008
Free web service in c#
This article gives you detailed information about the geocoding service. By using this you can easily estimate the latitude and longitude of a physical address.
Scott Lysle
Jan 30, 2008
Microsoft Great Plains integration capabilities using Dexterity and Visual Studio
It explains the integration capabilities of Microsoft Great Plains using Dexterity and Visual Studio. A step by step explanation of the integration capabilities in Microsoft Great Plains.
Sreedhar Ambati
Mar 12, 2009
Introduction to Templates in Visual Studio 2008
This article explains about Visual Studio Templates.
Sateesh Arveti
Mar 04, 2009
Introduction to Visual Studio Add-ins
This article explains about Visual Studio 2008 Add-ins.
Sateesh Arveti
Mar 03, 2009
Introduction to Macros in Visual Studio 2008
This article explains about Macros in Visual Studio 2008
Sateesh Arveti
Feb 27, 2009
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