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Java and .NET
In this section of C# Corner, you will find various resource to migrate from Java to C#.
2D array - Take Input and Print Output Same
Utilize 2D arrays to input data, then print the output, maintaining the same structure. Employ nested loops for iteration and array manipulation in your chosen programming language.
Bala S
May 10, 2024
Count UPPERCASE and lowercase Letter in Word or Sentense
This Java program efficiently counts the occurrence of uppercase and lowercase letters in a given word or sentence. It utilizes a Scanner to take user input and iterates through each character, inc...
Bala S
May 07, 2024
How C# is Different From Java
This article describes the various differences between C# and Java.
Ghulam Murtaza
Jan 17, 2008
Alfresco Restart Sub-system by Using JConsole
This article shows how to restart the Alfresco sub-system without restarting the Tomcat / Alfresco server.
Muralidharan Deenathayalan
Jul 31, 2013
Java vs .NET GZIP Compression
This article explains GZIP compression provided by Java and .NET.
Abhishek Goswami
May 28, 2013
How To Use Java Packages In .NET
This article describes how to use Java Packages in .NET using IKVM.NET.
Abhishek Goswami
May 20, 2013
Applet And KeyAdapter in Java
This is just a small demo of the Applet and KeyAdapter classes that Java provides for developers to handle key events.
Vishal Gilbile
Apr 15, 2013
Introduction to the Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT)
In this article we describe the Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT)
Sandeep Sharma
Mar 20, 2013
Comparison of Who is the Best? MVC Implementation Between J2EE Struts 2 & ASP.NET MVC 2 - Part 2
This article will compare the frameworks of Java and ASP.NET.
May 06, 2011
Password Encrypted Zip files in C#
This article contains the source code for creating Zip files in C# that are password protected using PKWare encryption.
neill harper
Oct 27, 2008
AES Encryption using 256 bit Encryption key and IV spec parameter
AES is a strong algorithm to encrypt or decrypt the data. Java, .NET and C++ provide different implementation to achieve this kind of encryption.
Nov 17, 2011
Create Tag Library Descriptor And Use in JSP
It is a process to create user-defined tags which can perform any task in the server. It provides a facility to separate Java code or scriptlet from JSP. This tag follows XML syntax.
Satyapriya Nayak
Jul 30, 2011
Creation of a Java Bean And How it is Used in Java Server Pages
Here you will see how to create a Java bean and how it is used in Java Server Pages (JSP)
Satyapriya Nayak
Jul 29, 2011
Display Records of Combobox in Java
This Java servlet will show a job to the user through a ComboBox and display the corresponding records of an employee table in tabular structure after choosing the job.
Satyapriya Nayak
Jul 29, 2011
Animating Objects (Images) Using Javascript
In this article we are going to learn how to animate images from one place to another place on the webpage. In this article I’m using the JavaScript function setInterval() and clearInterval() to mo...
Vishal Gilbile
Jul 25, 2011
Javascript to copy or select automatically
In this article I will give some samples of JavaScript’s to type automatically the typed text from one textbox to other textbox, automatically checking the checkboxes and selecting dropdown list va...
Dorababu Meka
May 23, 2011
Comparison of MVC implementation between J2EE and ASP.NET, Who is the best? Part 1
This article is a comparison of MVC implementation between J2EE and ASP.NET.
Mar 19, 2011
Use JSON and JavaScript to create a lightweight GridView
This post is going to show you how to use JSON and JavaScript to create a light weight GridView in JavaScript.
narendra singh
Dec 12, 2010
.NET versus ONE
Microsoft .NET and Sun ONE are that glue for each of the companies—the super glue that tries to hold together a lot of information around vision, architecture and products.
Ali Iqbal
Nov 24, 2003
Top 10 Reasons to Switch from Java to Visual C#
This article details the major reasons for Java programmers to consider switching from the Java language to Visual C#.
Will Wagers
Jun 03, 2006
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