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Design Patterns & Practices
Design patterns & practices accelerate the design and development of custom applications and reduce project technical risks. Here you may find Design Patterns & Practices related articles and news.
How to Explain Dependency Injection to a 6-Year-Old Kid
In explaining Dependency Injection (DI) to a child, consider action figures equipped with interchangeable tools. Imagine adding new weapons without altering the figures, much like incorporating adv...
Ng Cheehou
Oct 17, 2023
Problem-Solving with the Singleton Design Pattern: A Before-and-After Code Analysis
Explaining Singleton Design Pattern with C# code example
Ng Cheehou
Oct 06, 2023
Singleton Design Pattern: Eager And Lazy Initialization With Code Example
Explaining the differences between eager and lazy singleton
Ng Cheehou
Oct 09, 2023
How to decide when to use which design pattern?
Design patterns are commonly used design practices in software engineering. This article explains when to use design patterns and which design patterns.
Mahesh Chand
Sep 25, 2023
Coding Principles - SOLID
Solid Principles & Design Patterns explained.
Vinoth Xavier
Oct 04, 2023
Design Patterns in Software Development
In software development, design patterns are like architectural blueprints, guiding developers to create efficient and adaptable code. Structural patterns connect objects (e.g., Adapter, Decorator)...
Hm Ahsan Joyia
Sep 15, 2023
Clean Architecture And CQRS Pattern
In this article, you will learn about Design Patterns for achieving clean code architecture.
Sanjay Mrinal Kumar Kodangi
Nov 28, 2020
Implementing Pipeline Design Pattern using C#
Learn about the Pipeline design pattern and its implementation using C#. Discover how this powerful pattern breaks down complex tasks into modular steps for efficient and maintainable code.
Jamil Moughal
Jul 18, 2023
Strategy Design Pattern in C#
In this article we will learn what is a strategy design pattern and how we can implement it using C#. We will use a real world example of ImageProcessor to explain.
Jamil Moughal
Jul 16, 2023
Design patterns and its types
Design patterns for well-structured, maintainable software. Creational, structural, and behavioral patterns are discussed with real-life examples.
Aravind Govindaraj
Jun 28, 2023
Fluent Interface Pattern in C# With inheritance problem
Tutorial article on Fluent Interface Pattern in C#.
Mark Pelf
Jun 14, 2023
What does a UX Architect do and how it is different from a Designer
This article explains the role, responsibility and differences between UX Architect and UX Designer these are demanding fields nowadays to get success in any Product
Deepak Rawat
May 02, 2023
Best Practices Using Source Control and Git
Some tips to use source controls and repositories in the best way
Miguel Teheran
May 01, 2023
What is UX Research Methods why UX is important for Business
What are UX Research Methods Why UX is important for Business so in this Article I will explain to you User experience allows you to define the best customer journey for business success on your we...
Deepak Rawat
Apr 28, 2023
Simplifying Object Creation - Using The Factory Design Pattern In Everyday Development
In software engineering, a creational design pattern is a design pattern that deals with the process of object creation in a way that is both flexible and efficient. Creational design patterns prov...
Tuhin Paul
Mar 15, 2023
Visitor Pattern in C# - 5 Versions
A tutorial article describing the Visitor Pattern in C#. After a discussion of the “Classic Visitor”, which is a version proposed by GoF and often mentioned in the literature, we will look at the o...
Mark Pelf
Feb 27, 2023
Dependency Injection (DI) and Inversion of Control (IOC)
Inversion of control (IOC) talks about who is going to initiate the call to dependent object where as the Dependency Injection (DI) talks about how one object can acquire dependency.
Pradeep Shet
Jul 13, 2014
Design Pattern For Beginner- Part-3: Prototype Design Pattern
In today’s article we will learn one more very common design pattern called Prototype design pattern.
Sourav Kayal
Aug 08, 2013
Design Pattern For Beginners - Part-2: Factory Design Pattern
Today let’s start with a very common and easy design pattern called Factory Design Pattern.
Sourav Kayal
Aug 04, 2013
Design Pattern For Beginners - Part-1: Singleton Design Pattern
Today let’s start with very common and easy design pattern called Singleton design pattern.
Sourav Kayal
Aug 02, 2013
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