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C# is a multi-paradigm programming language. This section contains C# related articles and syntaxes.
Parsing Markup to represent it as Objects
Here I place a project I made that takes any markup and turn it in form of a MarkupDocument with elements and attributes, content etc.
Ramy Mostafa
Apr 01, 2009
Delegates Illustrated
This article Illustrates the delegates mechanism in c# and how they are tied to events.
pw zeus
Mar 25, 2009
Hello World
The goal of this article is to teach and explain C# in such a way so that when you have finished it you will be able to program in C#.
Paul Loughridge
Mar 16, 2009
Outlook Automation
Entering the subject line while sending mail to any one is one of the etiquette of Email. However it is very common to do this silly mistake. This article will brief you about how to do validatio...
Mar 17, 2009
Examples with Message Boxes and a Loop
An example of how to use simple message boxes and a simple loop. Its good for beginers learning how to program realy simple applications
Mar 10, 2009
19 Practical Points to be remembered while working on project/software Company
This article will talk about some important points we should note while working with tight dead line project.
Feb 11, 2009
Six Sigma
Below is a quick revision which will give you a decent understanding of Six sigma from interview point of view.
Feb 05, 2009
PasswordStrength control in AJAX
In this article, I am going to describe how to make strong password using AJAX.
Purushottam Rathore
Jan 01, 2009
Saving and Retrieving Web Page Control with SQL Server and C#
This article describes a simple approach to storing, retrieving, and redisplaying web pages.
Scott Lysle
Dec 18, 2008
Visual C# IDE Tips: Part II
This post explains the some more tips on using Visual C# IDE to enhance developer productivity.
Kalyan Bandarupalli
Nov 11, 2008
C# IDE Tips & Tricks: Part I
C# developers have been spending most of their day activities with Visual Studio IDE. The article is a part I of this series that talks about some useful IDE tips and tricks for developers.
Kalyan Bandarupalli
Nov 10, 2008
The Future of C#
This post speaks about the future of C# which presented by Anders Hejlsberg chief architect of C# at PDC 2008. The coming version C#4.0 is much concerned on introducing Functional and Dynamic progr...
Kalyan Bandarupalli
Nov 06, 2008
Object and Collection Initializers Feature in C# 3.0
Object Initialization Expressions allows you to initialize an object without invoking the constructor and setting its properties.
Kalyan Bandarupalli
Oct 20, 2008
Report Wizard in Visual Studio 2008
This article will tell you how to generate reports very easily based on pre-defined template and later it can be changed to satisfy your project needs.
John Charles Olamendy
May 14, 2008
Silverlight Tutorial: Creating a data centric Web Application with DataGrid, LINQ, and WCF Web Se...
This step-by-step tutorial is a guide for creating a silverlight Web application capable of submitting and retreiving data from a database.
Mike Dobbles
Sep 15, 2008
Handle resource files - Generate a class with strong typed properties using StronglyTypedResource...
You can generate a class with strongly typed properties issued from a given resources file elements or attributes using other way than in Part VI handle resource files where the resgen.exe is invok...
Bechir Bejaoui
Sep 03, 2008
Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2 Features for Developers with examples
IE 8 Beta 2 provided the decent features to the designers and developers community. If you write the code for IE 8 Beta 2 that can run on anywhere.
Kalyan Bandarupalli
Sep 04, 2008
Writing GIS and Mapping Software for .NET
In part three of the series, the authors of the GIS.NET mapping component for .NET explain how to write a geographic mapping engine which can display geographic coordinates. Source code is provided...
Jon Person
Aug 20, 2008
MOSS 2007 Search Customization using Sharepoint designer
This article describes how to customize SharePoint Search using MS Office sharepoint designer.
Tariq Younas
Aug 11, 2008
The Concept of Shopping Cart in ASP.NET with C#
This article will just give you the brief idea how to make simple shopping cart with dropdown GridView and data table.
Puran Kaushal
Jul 16, 2008
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