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COM Interop
COM Interop in .NET Framework CLR enables COM objects to interact with .NET objects, and vice versa. Here you may find COM Interop related articles and news.
Deploying a COM Component from C#
Here is some code to help you to deploy a COM component from C#. I needed to programmatically deploy a project that would be registered as COM object (not COM+) and be installed into GAC. The follo...
Michael Evans
Jul 08, 2002
.NET COM Interoperability - Part 2: Using .NET Component from COM
When a COM client calls a DotNet object, the DotNet framework will create a COM callable wrapper (CCW). COM clients use the CCW as a proxy for the managed object.
Ashish Jaiman
Apr 02, 2002
.NET COM Interoperability - Part 1: Using COM Components from .NET Framework
The DotNet framework exposes COM objects through a proxy called the runtime callable wrapper (RCW). The primary function of RCW is to marshal call between a managed client (.Net) and unmanaged COM ...
Ashish Jaiman
Apr 02, 2002
Creating an Excel Spreadsheet Programmatically
The Interoperability services make it very easy to work with COM Capable Applications such as Word and Excel. This article reveals using Excel from a managed application. Excel is the spreadsheet c...
G Gnana Arun Ganesh
Jan 22, 2002
C# and ActiveX DLL
As you know with Visual Basic 6.0, it is possible develop a COM server and implement them in a Visual Basic client program. But this is being done by using Visual Basic. You may wonder about the id...
Anand Narayanswamy
Dec 14, 2001
XP, Component Services and .NET
First of all, COM+ does revolutionize COM; it is not only a superior new version of the COM programming model it is also a new platform to design and develop components. In addition, COM+ Services ...
John Godel
Dec 13, 2001
An insight into Code Reusability and COM Interoperability - Part 2
We have mushrooms of network systems running across the globe based on many proprietary protocols. In order to integrate these systems to communicate with each other in a more meaningful way, devel...
Narayana Surapaneni
Nov 26, 2001
Language Independence from COM to .NET
This article covers the subject regarding Language Independence. This term Language Independent means one can create an application using various languages. This Language independent starts from pa...
G Gnana Arun Ganesh
Oct 03, 2001
Com and Component creation in C#
Component is nothing but the reusable piece of software in binary form that can be plugged into other components from other vendors.
G Gnana Arun Ganesh
Jun 09, 2001
Accessing COM+ component using C#
This tutorial explains step by step of accessing COM+ application using C#.
Imtiaz Alam
Oct 23, 2001
Using C# and COM Interoperability to Extract from a UML tool into a Microsoft Word Document
This article allows you to read the classes contained inside of WithClass 2000 into a Word Document using COM Interoperability for Word and COM Interoperability for WithClass and presents your clas...
Mike Gold
Feb 18, 2003
Using ADO RecordSet in ADO.NET
Using ADO recordset in managed code using ADO.NET data providers is pretty simple. Visual studio .NET provides you to add reference to the COM libraries. In this article I'll show you how to access...
Mahesh Chand
Dec 10, 2001
Platform Invoke Sample - Changing the Desktop Wallpaper
In this example we will see how to change the Desktop wallpaper by invoking a Windows API function from C#. The Platform Invoke mechanism allows you to access unmanaged functions implemented in dll...
Dipal Choksi
Sep 27, 2002
Web services with Language Interoperability
A web service in general is a way of exposing the properties and methods through the Internet In other words, it's an URL-addressable resource that programmatically returns information to clients w...
Vijay Cinnakonda
Oct 18, 2001
Import data from Excel to Access using
Data interoperability with Microsoft office applications has become easier with
Vandita Pandey
Mar 05, 2007
Describing COM (Component Object Model)
Component Object Model (COM) is a method to facilitate communication between different applications and languages.
Nipun Tomar
Mar 17, 2011
.NET Interoperability at a Glance 3 - Unmanaged Code Interoperation
This is the last article in this series, it talks about unmanaged code interoperation; that’s, interop between .NET code and other code from other technologies (like Windows API, native libraries, ...
Mohammad Elsheimy
Jan 05, 2011
Building Applications that Can Talk
In this article we are going to explore the Speech API library that’s part of the TTS SDK that helps you reading text and speaking it. We’re going to see how to do it programmatically using C# and ...
Mohammad Elsheimy
Jan 21, 2011
How C# new dynamic type can simplify access to late bound COM object
Igor Merabishvili
Jan 04, 2011
.NET Interoperability at a Glance 2 – Managed Code Interoperation
In the previous article, you learned what interoperability is and how it relates to the .NET Framework. In this article, we’re going to talk about the first form of interoperability, the Managed Co...
Mohammad Elsheimy
Dec 28, 2010
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