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Welcome to Mindcracker Chapters. In this section, you will find various Mindcracker Chapters related news, photos, and resources.
Pune Chapter Meet July 12, 2015: Official Recap
This is an official recap of the C# Corner Pune Chapter held on July 12, 2015.
Jeetendra Gund
Jul 14, 2015
Hyderabad Chapter Meet July 12, 2015: Official Recap
This is an official recap of the C# Corner Hyderabad Chapter held on July 12, 2015.
Rahul Kumar Saxena
Jul 14, 2015
C# Corner Pune Chapter: Official Recap
This is an official recap of the C# Corner Pune Chapter.
Abhijit Patil
Jun 26, 2014
Kolkata Chapter Meet June 28, 2015: Official Recap
Here is the official Recap of the Kolkata Chapter Meet held on June 28, 2015 at the Microsoft office.
Nitesh Kejriwal
Jul 01, 2015
Chandigarh Chapter Meet 13th June, 2015: Official Recap
Here is the Official Recap of Chandigarh Chapter Meet held on 13th June, 2015 at Kisan Bhawan, Chandigarh.
Praveen Kumar
Jun 17, 2015
Mumbai Chapter Meet 31st May, 2015: Official Recap
Here is the Official Recap Mumbai Chapter Meet held on 31st May, 2015.
Vithal Wadje
Jun 04, 2015
Delhi Developer Day 31 May, 2015: Official Recap
The C# Corner Delhi Chapter organized its monthly event, Delhi Developer's Day at C# Corner, Noida, on 31 May, 2015.
Dinesh Beniwal
Jun 02, 2015
C# Corner Delhi Developer's Day 28 February, 2015: Official Recap
The C# Corner Delhi Chapter organized its monthly event, Delhi Developer's Day at Microsoft Campus, Gurgaon, on 28 February, 2015.
Dinesh Beniwal
Feb 28, 2015
C# Corner Delhi Developer's Day 21 February, 2015: Official Recap
The C# Corner Delhi Chapter organized its monthly event, Delhi Developer's Day at C# Corner, Noida, on 21 February, 2015.
Dinesh Beniwal
Feb 23, 2015
C# Corner Delhi Chapter "How to Crack the Coding Interview": Discussion of Test
Here we will discuss the written test of C# Corner Delhi Chapter How to Crack the Coding Interview event.
Kamal Rawat
Feb 18, 2015
C# Corner Delhi Chapter "How to Crack the Coding Interview": Official Recap
The C# Corner Delhi Chapter organized its monthly event in the Noida office on 21 December, 2014.
Kamal Rawat
Dec 24, 2014
C# Corner Delhi Developer's Day 8 February, 2015: Official Recap
The C# Corner Delhi Chapter organized its monthly event, Delhi Developer's Day at DUCAT India, Noida, on 8 February, 2015.
Dinesh Beniwal
Feb 11, 2015
C# Corner Delhi Developer's Day 31st January, 2015: Official Recap
The C# Corner Delhi Chapter organized its monthly event, Delhi Developer's Day at C# Corner Noida Office, on 31st January, 2015.
Dinesh Beniwal
Feb 02, 2015
C# Corner Mumbai Chapter Developer's Day 24th January, 2015: Official Recap
C# Corner Mumbai Chapter Developer's Day 24th January, 2015: Official Recap.
Vithal Wadje
Jan 26, 2015
C# Corner Mohali Chapter Event - 18th January, 2014: Official Recap
Here is the Mohali chapter event - 18th January, 2014 quick recap of the event.
Jasminder Singh
Jan 22, 2015
C# Corner Delhi Developer's Day 18th January, 2015: Official Recap
The C# Corner Delhi Chapter organized its monthly event, Delhi Developer's Day at C# Corner Noida Office, on 18th January, 2015.
Dinesh Beniwal
Jan 22, 2015
C# Corner Delhi Developer's Day 28th December, 2014: Official Recap
The C# Corner Delhi Chapter organized its monthly event, Delhi Developer's Day at C# Corner Noida Office, on 28th December, 2014.
Dinesh Beniwal
Jan 07, 2015
C# Corner Chandigarh Chapter Webinar 14th September 2014 Official Recap - SOLID Design Principles
The C# Corner Chandigarh Chapter held its event on the 14th of September 2014. It was a house full of attendees who came across to attend this event. Thanks to all who joined us.
Jasminder Singh
Sep 29, 2014
C# Corner Lucknow Chapter Meet 21st December: Official Recap
The C# Corner Lucknow Chapter organized its monthly event in the Lucknow office on 21 December, 2014.
Abhishek Jaiswal
Dec 23, 2014
C# Corner Delhi Student's Day 20 December, 2014: Official Recap
The C# Corner Delhi Chapter organized its monthly event in the Noida office on 20 December, 2014.
Dinesh Beniwal
Dec 23, 2014
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