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ADO.NET introduced as a part of .NET 1.0, is an API (set of classes) that is used to connect and access various data sources including XML, flat files, relational databases, and more. Here you may find ADO.NET related articles and news.
Entity Framework data validation
This link provides how to validate Entity Framework data validation in different ways.
Manas Mohapatra
Jul 13, 2015
Connection Pooling
Connection pooling significantly reduces the overhead associated with creating and destroying database connections.
Avinash Vajpayee
Jun 25, 2015
The Connection Strings Reference help developers connect software to data
Manoj Bhoir
Apr 17, 2015
Get connection string of any Database
You find here any connectionString you will be in need.
Jul 18, 2013
Download ADO.NET Entity Framework 4
ADO.NET Entity Framework provides a strongly-typed LINQ data access experience over relational databases, including direct, efficient access to SQL Server.
Mahesh Chand
Apr 01, 2011
What's New in ADO.NET 4.0
The Entity Framework decreases the amount of coding and maintenance required for data-driven applications by enabling you to program against data models defined in terms of entities and relationshi...
Mahesh Chand
May 14, 2010
ADO.NET: Generate XML with data from SQL Server
This sample illustrates how to produce XML from SQL Server using two different techniques.
Praveen Kumar
Feb 20, 2007
ADO.NET: Use Database Transactions
Database transactions are used to control data commitment to databases. For example, in standard account procedures, it is necessary to debit one account and credit another at the same time.
Mahesh Chand
Feb 08, 2007
ADO.NET: Handle Errors
In addition to Try/Catch and exceptions, the new ADO.NET data architecture allows you to add error messages to each row of Data in a DataSet. SqlDataAdapters attach error messages to Rows if update...
Mahesh Chand
Feb 08, 2007
ADO.NET: Work with Relational Data
A DataSet can contain either unrelated tables or related tables. You can think of a DataSet as a document of data. In fact, an XML data document is like this, except it is based on a hierarchical p...
Mahesh Chand
Feb 08, 2007
ADO.NET: Work with Typed Data
ADO classic code provides late-bound access to values within its recordset through weakly typed variables. ADO.NET code enables you to access the data held in the DataSet through a "strongly typed"...
Mahesh Chand
Feb 08, 2007
ADO.NET: Filter Data
There are many ways to filter data. One way is to filter data at the database command level, using a where clause on your query. A second way is to filter the data after it is in the DataSet. This ...
Mahesh Chand
Feb 08, 2007
ADO.NET: Connection Pooling
This sample illustrates how to construct a pool of connections to a datasource. You will want to do this to deploy high-performance applications. In this example the pool is established in the conn...
Mahesh Chand
Feb 08, 2007
ADO.NET: Generate XML with data from SQL Server
This sample illustrates how to produce XML from SQL Server using two different techniques. The first uses the ExecuteXmlReader method of SqlCommand to get an XmlTextReader, which is then populated ...
Mahesh Chand
Feb 08, 2007
ADO.NET: Retrieve Data using OLE DB
This sample illustrates how to read data from an OLE DB provider using the OleDbDataReader class. This class provides a way of reading a forward-only stream of data records from a data source.
Mahesh Chand
Feb 08, 2007
ADO.NET: Retrieve Data from SQL Server
This sample illustrates how to read data from SQL Server using the SqlDataReader class.
Mahesh Chand
Feb 08, 2007
Convert an ADO Application to ADO.NET
This is an example of an ADO application that has been ported to .NET without the original graphical interface.
Mahesh Chand
Feb 08, 2007
ADO.NET: Execute a Command
To issue a command against a database, the Command object must have two basic things: a Connection and CommandText, both of which can be set in the constructor.
Mahesh Chand
Feb 04, 2007
ADO.NET: Get Out Parameters from a Stored Procedure
Some stored procedures return values through parameters. When a parameter in a SQL statement or stored procedure is declared as "out", the value of the parameter is returned back to the caller; the...
Mahesh Chand
Feb 04, 2007
ADO.NET: Populate a DataSet from a Database
Getting data from a database is easy, and working with data is easier than before. If you want the results from a database as a forward only, read-only stream of data, you can execute a command and...
Mahesh Chand
Feb 04, 2007
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