I am working as a senior software Engineer and have 8+ years of experience in Microsoft Technology and a Master's Degree in Computer Application. I really like to work in the .NET platform. and working with ASP.NET 2.0/3.5/4.0, Web Services, WCF, Web API, WPF, MVC, AJAX, Azure, JavaScript, JQuery, AngularJs, Ado.net, MsAccess, SQL Server 2005/2008/2012/2019/
Take a challenge to see if you are up to date with C# language features.
Take this test to see how much do you know about cloud native?
Take the challenge to know how much you know about Stratis Blockchain?
Take a challenge to see if you are up to date with the Azure Skills Challenge.
Test your C# 10 skills.
Test how much you know about the new version - Angular
Challenge yourself and find how much HTML you know?
Take this challenge to check if you have good knowledge of API Development.
Take the challenge and become a Startup Mindset Star
Take the challenge and become a Docker Skill Star