i am Developer and i immerse myself in .NET Technologies (in particular, C#) for my development ranging from web developer(web form/MVC), windows Application .i love communicating complex ideas in a way that is accessibleto anyone with a passion to learn, and spends much of my time learning and playingwith new technology to find new things to teach people about and also to improve myself and outside that i love writting poems. I've been coding since 2015, where a friend introduced me to Java. Since then I've been through HTML, Javascript, ASP (classic), Java and am now completely and thoroughly in love with C# ; )and I always strive to remove repetitive coding tasks from my development efforts by creating helperclasses or subclassing existing controls and classes.As an agile developer i am not afraid of chnages during develoment process because it helps me know about what itwill take to satisfy clients and also increase my customer's competitive advantage in production