
Name: Andrey Lakhov
* 26 years experience in software development
* 2 year working on Information System of Building City Department 1.0 project
* 22 years - a worker of applied mathematics subfaculty
* - scientific rank docent on informatics and control system subfaculty
* - candidate of science ( equivalent Ph.D. in Technology)
* - software engineering: experience in the whole life cycle of software development
* languages: C, C++, Pascal, HTML, SQL, Visual Basic, JAVA
* visual programming: Borland C++ Builder, VisualC++,C#
* OS: Windows NT/9x, 2000, XP
* API&libs: CGI, ISAPI, VCL, Win32, DirectX 9.0
* SQL Servers:  Oracle, Sybase
* Applications:  MS Office, MathCad, Surfer, Grapher, Animator Pro, AutoCad, ArchiCAD, Patran/Nastran
* Background in Expert Systems
* Knowledge of Prolog , Common Lisp

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