sanjeet kumar
write a progam to concatanate two strings
By sanjeet kumar in C# on Apr 11 2009
  • Rajiv Ranjan
    Aug, 2009 7

    By using C# language it can be done by following methods

    string a="dsfdffdfdgd";

    string b="gdhshfdfghdfg";


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  • Dhananjay  Kumar
    Apr, 2009 12

    using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace stringCont { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { string str1 = "Mahesh"; string str2 = "Chand"; Console.WriteLine("Before Concatentaion"); Console.WriteLine(str1); Console.WriteLine(str2); str1 += str2; Console.WriteLine("After Concatentaion"); Console.WriteLine(str1); Console.Read(); } } } Point to be noted 1. You can use operator + for this purpose 2. You can use += also. I have used += to solve your purpose. Happy Coding

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